
1. 结构体

1.1. octdev_props_t

/** Octeon device properties to be used by the NIC module.
    Each octeon device in the system will be represented
    by this structure in the NIC module. */
struct  octdev_props_t {
    /** Number of interfaces detected in this octeon device. */
    int                        ifcount;
    /* Link status sent by core app is stored in a buffer at this
       address. */
    oct_link_status_resp_t     *ls;
    /** Pointer to pre-allocated soft instr used to send link status
        request to Octeon app. */
    octeon_soft_instruction_t  *si_link_status;
    /** Flag to indicate if a link status instruction is currently
        being processed. */
    cavium_atomic_t             ls_flag;
    /** The last tick at which the link status was checked. The
        status is checked every second. */
    unsigned long               last_check;
    /** Each interface in the Octeon device has a network
       device pointer (used for OS specific calls). */
    octnet_os_devptr_t         *pndev[MAX_OCTEON_LINKS]; //是linux net_device 

1.2. oct_link_status_resp_t

typedef struct {
    struct {
        int                   octeon_id;
        cavium_wait_channel   wc;
        int                   cond;
    } s;
    uint64_t          resp_hdr;
    uint64_t          link_count;
    //一个link_info就是octeon的一个接口, 将来会被注册为host的网口
    oct_link_info_t   link_info[MAX_OCTEON_LINKS];
    uint64_t          status;
} oct_link_status_resp_t;

1.3. 被用来做net_dev的priv

/** Octeon per-interface Network Private Data */
typedef  struct {
    cavium_spinlock_t             lock;
    /** State of the interface. Rx/Tx happens only in the RUNNING state.  */
    atomic_t                      ifstate;
    /** Octeon Interface index number. This device will be represented as
        oct<ifidx> in the system. */
    int                           ifidx;
    /** Octeon Input queue to use to transmit for this network interface. */
    int                           txq; //只有一个txq说明octeon的么个interface只能用一个q
    /** Octeon Output queue from which pkts arrive for this network interface.*/
    int                           rxq; //只有一个rxq说明octeon的么个interface只能用一个q
    /** Linked list of gather components */
    cavium_list_t                 glist; //比如q的最大深度是n, 则每个格子都一个glist --gather list
    /** Pointer to the NIC properties for the Octeon device this network
        interface is associated with. */
    struct  octdev_props_t       *octprops;
    /** Pointer to the octeon device structure. */
    void                         *oct_dev;
    octnet_os_devptr_t           *pndev;
    struct napi_struct            napi;
    /** Link information sent by the core application for this interface. */
    oct_link_info_t               linfo;
    /** Statistics for this interface. */
    struct net_device_stats       stats;
    /** Size of Tx queue for this octeon device. */
    uint32_t                      tx_qsize;
    /** Size of Rx queue for this octeon device. */
    uint32_t                      rx_qsize;
    /** Copy of netdevice flags. */
    uint32_t                      pndev_flags;
    /* Copy of the flags managed by core app & NIC module. */
    octnet_ifflags_t              core_flags;
} octnet_priv_t;
#define OCTNET_PRIV_SIZE   (sizeof(octnet_priv_t))

1.4. glist

/** Structure of a node in list of gather components maintained by
    NIC driver for each network device. */
struct octnic_gather {
    /** List manipulation. Next and prev pointers. */
    cavium_list_t        list;
    /** Size of the gather component at sg in bytes. */
    int                  sg_size;
    /** Number of bytes that sg was adjusted to make it 8B-aligned. */
    int                  adjust;
    /** Gather component that can accomodate max sized fragment list
        received from the IP layer. */
    octeon_sg_entry_t   *sg;

2. A. init_module

    octeon_module_handler_t   nethandler;

    /* Register handlers with the BASE driver. For each octeon device that
       runs the NIC core app, the BASE driver would call the functions
       below for initialization, reset and shutdown operations. */
    //会被base调用, 比如在设备重启后
    nethandler.startptr = octnet_init_nic_module; //见A1
    nethandler.resetptr = octnet_reset_nic_module;
    nethandler.stopptr  = octnet_stop_nic_module;
    nethandler.app_type = CVM_DRV_NIC_APP;

2.1. A1. octnet_init_nic_module

octnet_init_nic_module(int octeon_id, void *octeon_dev)

    oct_link_status_resp_t     *ls = NULL;
    octeon_soft_instruction_t  *si = NULL;
    int                         ifidx, retval = 0;

    octprops[octeon_id] = cavium_alloc_virt(sizeof(struct octdev_props_t));

    /* Allocate a buffer to collect link status from the core app. */
    ls = cavium_malloc_dma(sizeof(oct_link_status_resp_t),
    octprops[octeon_id]->ls = ls;

    /* Allocate a soft instruction to be used to send link status requests
       to the core app. */
    si = (octeon_soft_instruction_t *)
          cavium_alloc_buffer(octeon_dev, OCT_SOFT_INSTR_SIZE);

    octprops[octeon_id]->si_link_status = si;
    //用于link status的命令字
    octnet_prepare_ls_soft_instr(octeon_dev, si);
        cavium_memset(si, 0, OCT_SOFT_INSTR_SIZE);
        si->ih.fsz     = 16;
        si->ih.tagtype = ORDERED_TAG;
        si->ih.tag     = 0x11111111;
        si->ih.raw     = 1;
        si->irh.opcode = HOST_NW_INFO_OP;
        si->irh.param  = 32;
        SET_SOFT_INSTR_IQ_NO(si, 0);
        SET_SOFT_INSTR_TIMEOUT(si, 100);

        /* Since this instruction is sent in the poll thread context, if the
           doorbell coalescing is > 1, the doorbell will never be rung for
           this instruction (this call has to return for poll thread to hit
           the doorbell). So enforce the doorbell ring. */
        si->dptr        = NULL;
        si->ih.dlengsz  = 0;

    /* Send an instruction to get the link status information from core. */
    //这个函数会阻塞等待, 注意: 这里是典型的调用发送接口的例子
    octnet_get_inittime_link_status(octeon_dev, octprops[octeon_id])
        struct octdev_props_t       *props;
        octeon_soft_instruction_t   *si;
        oct_link_status_resp_t      *ls;
        octeon_instr_status_t        retval;

        props = (struct octdev_props_t  *)props_ptr;

        /* Use the link status soft instruction pre-allocated
           for this octeon device. */
        si = props->si_link_status;

        /* Reset the link status buffer in props for this octeon device. */
        ls = props->ls;
        cavium_memset(ls, 0, OCT_LINK_STATUS_RESP_SIZE);

        //注意: 这里的rptr是ls的一个成员的地址, ls是上面用cavium_malloc_dma申请的
        si->rptr           = &(ls->resp_hdr);
        //这里的size是octeon回复的size, 从ls->resp_hdr地址开始.
        si->irh.rlenssz    = ( OCT_LINK_STATUS_RESP_SIZE - sizeof(ls->s) );
        si->status_word    = (uint64_t *)&(ls->status);
        *(si->status_word) = COMPLETION_WORD_INIT;
        ls->s.cond         = 0;
        ls->s.octeon_id    = get_octeon_device_id(oct);
        SET_SOFT_INSTR_OCTEONID(si, ls->s.octeon_id);
        //作用就是把    ls->s.cond = 1;    
        SET_SOFT_INSTR_CALLBACK(si, octnet_inittime_ls_callback);
        SET_SOFT_INSTR_CALLBACK_ARG(si, (void *)ls);
        retval = octeon_process_instruction(oct, si, NULL);
        //等待ls->s.cond = 1
        /* Sleep on a wait queue till the cond flag indicates that the
           response arrived or timed-out. */
        cavium_sleep_timeout_cond(&ls->s.wc, (int *)&ls->s.cond, 1000);


    /* The link count should be swapped on little endian systems. */
    octeon_swap_8B_data(&(ls->link_count), 1);

    octeon_swap_8B_data((uint64_t *)ls->link_info,
        (ls->link_count * (OCT_LINK_INFO_SIZE >> 3)));

    for(ifidx = 0; ifidx < ls->link_count; ifidx++) {
        printk("OCTNIC: if%d rxq: %d txq: %d gmx: %d hw_addr: 0x%llx\n",
                 ifidx, ls->link_info[ifidx].rxpciq, ls->link_info[ifidx].txpciq, ls->link_info[ifidx].gmxport, CVM_CAST64(ls->link_info[ifidx].hw_addr));

    octprops[octeon_id]->ifcount = ls->link_count;
    //注册noresponse的释放buf函数, 见driver篇A14
    octeon_register_noresp_buf_free_fn(octeon_id, NORESP_BUFTYPE_NET,
    octeon_register_noresp_buf_free_fn(octeon_id, NORESP_BUFTYPE_NET_SG,

    //注册host上的网口, 见A12
    for(ifidx = 0; ifidx < ls->link_count; ifidx++)
             octnet_setup_nic_device(octeon_id, &ls->link_info[ifidx], ifidx);

    cavium_atomic_set(&octprops[octeon_id]->ls_flag, LINK_STATUS_FETCHED);
    octprops[octeon_id]->last_check = cavium_jiffies;

    /* Register a poll function to run every second to collect and update
       link status. */
    octeon_poll_ops_t           poll_ops;
    poll_ops.fn     = octnet_get_runtime_link_status;
    poll_ops.fn_arg = (unsigned long)octprops[octeon_id];
    poll_ops.ticks  = CAVIUM_TICKS_PER_SEC;
    strcpy(poll_ops.name, "NIC Link Status");
    octeon_register_poll_fn(octeon_id, &poll_ops);

    cavium_print_msg("OCTNIC: Network interfaces ready for Octeon %d\n",

2.1.1. A11. octnic_free_netbuf和octnic_free_netsgbuf

octnic_free_netbuf(void *buf)
    struct sk_buff               *skb;
    struct octnet_buf_free_info  *finfo;
    octnet_priv_t                *priv;
    finfo = (struct octnet_buf_free_info  *)buf;
    skb   = finfo->skb;
    priv  = finfo->priv;

                               finfo->dptr, skb->len,
    free_recv_buffer((cavium_netbuf_t *)skb);

octnic_free_netsgbuf(void *buf)
    struct octnet_buf_free_info  *finfo;
    struct sk_buff               *skb;
    octnet_priv_t                *priv;
    struct octnic_gather         *g;
    int                           i, frags;

    finfo    = (struct octnet_buf_free_info *)buf;
    skb      = finfo->skb;
    priv     = finfo->priv;
    g        = finfo->g;
    frags    = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;

                               g->sg[0].ptr[0], (skb->len - skb->data_len),
    i = 1;
    while(frags--) {
        struct skb_frag_struct  *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i-1];

                          g->sg[(i >> 2)].ptr[(i&3)],
                          frag->size, CAVIUM_PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);

                               finfo->dptr, g->sg_size,

    cavium_list_add_tail(&g->list, &priv->glist);

    free_recv_buffer((cavium_netbuf_t *)skb);


2.1.2. A12. octnet_setup_nic_device

octnet_setup_nic_device(int octeon_id, oct_link_info_t  *link_info, int ifidx)
    octnet_priv_t       *priv;
    octnet_os_devptr_t  *pndev;
    uint8_t              macaddr[6], i;

    pndev = octnet_alloc_netdev(OCTNET_PRIV_SIZE);

    octprops[octeon_id]->pndev[ifidx] = pndev;

    /* Associate the routines that will handle different netdev tasks. */
    //这个网口的操作函数, 见B
    pndev->netdev_ops          = &octnetdevops;
    /* Can checksum all the packets. */  
    pndev->features  = NETIF_F_HW_CSUM;
    /* Scatter/gather IO. */
    pndev->features |=  NETIF_F_SG;

    priv            = GET_NETDEV_PRIV(pndev);
    cavium_memset(priv, 0, sizeof(octnet_priv_t));

    priv->ifidx     = ifidx;

    /* Point to the  properties for octeon device to which this interface
       belongs. */
    priv->oct_dev   = get_octeon_device_ptr(octeon_id);
    priv->octprops  = octprops[octeon_id];
    priv->pndev     = pndev;

    /* Record the ethernet port number on the Octeon target for this
       interface. */
    priv->linfo.gmxport = link_info->gmxport;

    /* Record the pci port that the core app will send and receive packets
       from host for this interface. */
    priv->linfo.ifidx   = link_info->ifidx;
    priv->linfo.hw_addr = link_info->hw_addr;
    priv->linfo.txpciq  = link_info->txpciq;
    priv->linfo.rxpciq  = link_info->rxpciq;

    //默认是关的, napi见wiz笔记<数据包接收系列 — NAPI的原理和实现>
            netif_napi_add(priv->pndev, &priv->napi, octnet_napi_poll, 64);

    cavium_print(PRINT_DEBUG, "OCTNIC: if%d gmx: %d hw_addr: 0x%llx\n",
                 ifidx, priv->linfo.gmxport, CVM_CAST64(priv->linfo.hw_addr));

    /* 64-bit swap required on LE machines */
    octeon_swap_8B_data(&priv->linfo.hw_addr, 1);
    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        macaddr[i] = *((uint8_t *)(((uint8_t *)&priv->linfo.hw_addr) + 2 + i));

    /* Copy MAC Address to OS network device structure */
    cavium_memcpy(pndev->dev_addr, &macaddr, ETH_ALEN);

    priv->linfo.link.u64 = link_info->link.u64;

    priv->tx_qsize = octeon_get_tx_qsize(octeon_id, priv->txq);
    priv->rx_qsize = octeon_get_rx_qsize(octeon_id, priv->rxq);

        int                    i;
        struct octnic_gather  *g;

        for(i = 0; i < priv->tx_qsize; i++)
            g = cavium_malloc_dma(sizeof(struct octnic_gather),
            //OCTNIC_MAX_SG一般是kernel的MAX_SKB_FRAGS, 此值一般为18
            //sg entry参考driver篇C1231
            g->sg_size = ((ROUNDUP4(OCTNIC_MAX_SG) >> 2)* OCT_SG_ENTRY_SIZE);
            //为sg entry数组分配空间
            g->sg = cavium_malloc_dma(g->sg_size + 8, __CAVIUM_MEM_GENERAL);

            /* The gather component should be aligned on a 64-bit boundary. */
            if( ((unsigned long)g->sg) & 7)
                g->adjust = 8 - ( ((unsigned long)g->sg) & 7);
                g->sg = (octeon_sg_entry_t *)((unsigned long)g->sg + g->adjust);
            //以g的链表元素list为节点, 加到glist链表
            cavium_list_add_tail(&g->list, &priv->glist);


    /* Register the network device with the OS */



    /* Register the fast path function pointers after the network device
       related activities are completed. We should be ready for Rx at this
       point. */
    /* By default all interfaces on a single Octeon uses the same tx and rx
       queues */
    priv->txq = priv->linfo.txpciq;
    priv->rxq = priv->linfo.rxpciq;
    octnet_setup_net_queues(octeon_id, priv)
        octeon_droq_ops_t    droq_ops;

        memset(&droq_ops, 0, sizeof(octeon_droq_ops_t));

        droq_ops.fptr        = octnet_push_packet; //收包函数, 见A121

            droq_ops.poll_mode  = 1;
            droq_ops.napi_fn    = octnet_napi_drv_callback;
            droq_ops.drop_on_max = 1;

        /* Register the droq ops structure so that we can start handling packets
         * received on the Octeon interfaces. */
        //注册fast path, 在收包线程和收包bh里面用到;见A18和A19
        octeon_register_droq_ops(octeon_id, priv->rxq, &droq_ops)



    octnet_send_rx_ctrl_cmd(priv, 1);
        octnic_ctrl_pkt_t    nctrl;

        memset(&nctrl, 0, sizeof(octnic_ctrl_pkt_t));

        nctrl.ncmd.s.cmd    = OCTNET_CMD_RX_CTL;
        nctrl.ncmd.s.param1 = priv->linfo.ifidx;
        nctrl.ncmd.s.param2 = start_stop;
        nctrl.netpndev      = (unsigned long)priv->pndev;

        octnet_send_nic_ctrl_pkt(priv->oct_dev, &nctrl)
            si = octnic_alloc_ctrl_pkt_si(oct, nctrl);
            retval = octeon_process_instruction(oct, si, NULL);


A121. octnet_push_packet

在收包线程或收包bh里面被调用, 负责把报文向上传递给协议栈

octnet_push_packet(int                  octeon_id,
                   void                *skbuff,
                   uint32_t             len,
                   octeon_resp_hdr_t   *resp_hdr)

    struct sk_buff     *skb   = (struct sk_buff *)skbuff;
    octnet_os_devptr_t *pndev = (octnet_os_devptr_t *)octprops[octeon_id]->pndev[resp_hdr->dest_qport];

        octnet_priv_t  *priv  = GET_NETDEV_PRIV(pndev);

        /* Do not proceed if the interface is not in RUNNING state. */
        if( !(cavium_atomic_read(&priv->ifstate) & OCT_NIC_IFSTATE_RUNNING)) {

        skb->dev       = pndev;
        skb->protocol  = eth_type_trans(skb, skb->dev);
        skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
        if(netif_rx(skb) != NET_RX_DROP)
            priv->stats.rx_bytes += len;
            pndev->last_rx  = jiffies;

3. B. octnetdevops

const static struct net_device_ops  octnetdevops = {
    .ndo_open                = octnet_open, //见B1
    .ndo_stop                = octnet_stop,
    .ndo_start_xmit          = octnet_xmit, //见B2
    .ndo_get_stats           = octnet_stats,
    .ndo_set_mac_address     = octnet_set_mac,
    .ndo_set_multicast_list  = octnet_set_mcast_list,
    .ndo_tx_timeout          = octnet_tx_timeout,
    .ndo_change_mtu          = octnet_change_mtu,

3.1. B1. octnet_open

octnet_open(struct net_device *pndev)
    octnet_priv_t      *priv = GET_NETDEV_PRIV(pndev);
    //告诉上层, 可以往驱动层发包了
    //注册一个poll函数, octnet_poll_check_txq_status
        octeon_poll_ops_t    poll_ops;
        octnet_priv_t       *priv = GET_NETDEV_PRIV(pndev);

        poll_ops.fn     = octnet_poll_check_txq_status;
        poll_ops.fn_arg = (unsigned long)priv;
        poll_ops.ticks  = 1;
        poll_ops.rsvd   = 0xff;
        octeon_register_poll_fn(get_octeon_device_id(priv->oct_dev), &poll_ops);


    return 0;

3.2. B2. octnet_xmit 网口发送函数

/** This structure is used by NIC driver to store information required
    to free the sk_buff when the packet has been fetched by Octeon.
    Bytes offset below assume worst-case of a 64-bit system. */
struct octnet_buf_free_info {

    /** Bytes 1-8.  Pointer to network device private structure. */
    octnet_priv_t        *priv;

    /** Bytes 9-16.  Pointer to sk_buff. */
    struct sk_buff       *skb;

    /** Bytes 17-24.  Pointer to gather list. */
    struct octnic_gather *g;

    /** Bytes 25-32. Physical address of skb->data or gather list. */
    uint64_t              dptr;
octnet_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *pndev)
    octnet_priv_t                 *priv;
    struct octnet_buf_free_info   *finfo;
    octnic_cmd_setup_t             cmdsetup;
    octnic_data_pkt_t              ndata;
    int                            status = 0;

    priv = GET_NETDEV_PRIV(pndev);

        return OCT_NIC_TX_BUSY;

    if( !(cavium_atomic_read(&priv->ifstate) &  OCT_NIC_IFSTATE_RUNNING)
        || (!priv->linfo.link.s.status)
        || (octnet_iq_is_full(priv->oct_dev, priv->txq))
        || (skb->len <= 0) ) {
        goto oct_xmit_failed;

    /* Use space in skb->cb to store info used to unmap and free the buffers. */
    //这里看不懂; 为什么skb->cb就能是octnet_buf_free_info?? 协议栈按理说不应该知道这个结构体啊????
    //解答: 在sk_buff的定义里cb是个48个字节的自由使用区 char cb[48] __aligned(8);
    //octnet_buf_free_info的定义见上面, 可见它只用了32个字节---标记:B2i1
    finfo       = (struct octnet_buf_free_info *)skb->cb;
    finfo->priv = priv;
    finfo->skb  = skb;

    /* Prepare the attributes for the data to be passed to OSI. */
    ndata.buf       = (void *)finfo;
    ndata.q_no      = priv->txq;
    ndata.datasize  = skb->len;

    cmdsetup.u64       = 0;
    cmdsetup.s.ifidx = priv->linfo.ifidx;

    if( (is_ipv4(skb) && !is_ip_fragmented(skb) && is_tcpudp(skb)) ||
        (is_ipv6(skb) && is_wo_extn_hdr(skb)) ) {
            cmdsetup.s.cksum_offset = sizeof(struct ethhdr) + 1;

    /*重要!:不管有没有frags, 这里都做到了直接使用skb做为DMA的内存*/
    //没有frags, 即只有一个buffer
    if(skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags == 0)
        cmdsetup.s.u.datasize = skb->len;
        octnet_prepare_pci_cmd(&(ndata.cmd), &cmdsetup);
            volatile octeon_instr_ih_t     *ih;
            volatile octeon_instr_irh_t    *irh;

            cmd->ih      = 0;
            ih           = (octeon_instr_ih_t *)&cmd->ih;

            ih->fsz      = 16;
            ih->tagtype  = ORDERED_TAG;
            ih->grp      = OCTNET_POW_GRP;
            ih->tag      = 0x11111111 + setup->s.ifidx;
            ih->raw      = 1;

                ih->dlengsz  = setup->s.u.datasize;
                ih->gather   = 1;
                ih->dlengsz  = setup->s.u.gatherptrs;
            cmd->rptr    = 0;
            cmd->irh     = 0;
            irh          = (octeon_instr_irh_t *)&cmd->irh;

                irh->rlenssz = setup->s.cksum_offset;

            irh->opcode  = OCT_NW_PKT_OP;
            irh->param   = setup->s.ifidx;

        /* Offload checksum calculation for TCP/UDP packets */
        ndata.cmd.dptr =
                                  skb->data, skb->len, CAVIUM_PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
        finfo->dptr     = ndata.cmd.dptr;
        ndata.buftype   = NORESP_BUFTYPE_NET;

    //这中情况下是多buffer, 要搞gather链
        int                     i, frags;
        struct skb_frag_struct *frag;
        struct octnic_gather   *g;

        //从链表头摘一个元素, 发送完毕会再申请一个glist, 见A11
        g = (struct octnic_gather *)cavium_list_delete_head(&priv->glist);

        cmdsetup.s.gather       = 1;
        cmdsetup.s.u.gatherptrs = (skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags + 1);
        octnet_prepare_pci_cmd(&(ndata.cmd), &cmdsetup); //见上面

        memset(g->sg, 0, g->sg_size);
        //建立gather list
        g->sg[0].ptr[0] =
                                      skb->data, (skb->len - skb->data_len),
        CAVIUM_ADD_SG_SIZE(&(g->sg[0]), (skb->len - skb->data_len), 0);
        frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;

        while(frags--) {
            frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i-1];
            //建立剩下的gather list
            g->sg[(i >> 2)].ptr[(i&3)] =
                     octeon_map_page(get_octeon_device_id(priv->oct_dev), frag->page, frag->page_offset,
            CAVIUM_ADD_SG_SIZE(&(g->sg[(i >> 2)]), frag->size, (i&3));
        //这个cmd的dptr是给octeon DMA的
        ndata.cmd.dptr =
                                   g->sg, g->sg_size, CAVIUM_PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);

        finfo->dptr      = ndata.cmd.dptr;
        finfo->g         = g;

        ndata.buftype   = NORESP_BUFTYPE_NET_SG;
    //发包, 重要!
    status = octnet_send_nic_data_pkt(priv->oct_dev, &ndata);
        //这个发送函数更底层, 直接就发送命令字, 不搞什么buffer; buffer在上面已经搞好了
        return octeon_send_noresponse_command(oct, ndata->q_no, 1, &ndata->cmd,
                             ndata->buf, ndata->datasize, ndata->buftype);

    pndev->trans_start = jiffies;

    return OCT_NIC_TX_OK;

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