- git commit rang
- git分支操作
- github Readme模板
- 我的git操作记录
- 修改作者和邮箱
- 修改commit时间
- 同步upstream的更改
- 使用不同的用户名commit
- 同步remote已删除的分支
- 找到当前branch最近的tag
- 其他分支的修改拿到本分支
- diff和patch
- 从其他git repo导入到新git库
- git新建远程分支
- git 查看log摘要
- git checkout branch
- git commit set格式
- git 修改commit
- git undo reset
- git调整commit顺序
- linux kernel:找到一个函数/字符串 相关的commit
- linux kernel: 找到一个commit对应的kernel release版本
- 保存现场 两个现场切换 git stash
- git查看某个版本的文件, 不checkout
- git设置允许push到非bare的库, 在remote端运行
- git取消commit
- git大文件支持
- git打包
- push到远程repo
- 单一分支clone
- git下载远程分支
- 创建本地分支来跟踪远程分支
- git merge本地改动
- git比较某次commit的改动
- git比较本地修改
- 还是犯了remote错误
- 为什么git clone一个本地的repo没有branch?
- git切换分支
- 放弃本地更改
- git merge 不commit
- git tag
- git log显示文件
- git使用kdiff查看改动
- git更改remote
- git 从别人那里pull
- git恢复文件
- git clean, 删除所有未跟踪的文件
- git查看clone地址
1. git commit rang
# 从720936d888c到f2779584678的所有commit, 包括720936d888c
git cherry-pick 720936d888c^..f2779584678
2. git分支操作
git clone https://github.com/siskinc/siskinc.github.io
2.1. 查看分支
2.1.1. 查看本地分支
$ git branch
* master
2.1.2. 查看远程分支
git branch -r
2.1.3. 查看所有分支
git branch -a
2.2. 本地创建新的分支
git branch [branch name]
2.3. 切换到新的分支
git checkout [branch name]
2.4. 创建+切换分支
git checkout -b [branch name]
git branch [branch name]
git checkout [branch name]
2.5. 将新分支推送到github
git push origin [branch name]
2.6. 删除本地分支
git branch -d [branch name]
2.7. 删除github远程分支
git push origin :[branch name]
3. github Readme模板
<p align="center">
<img alt="golangci-lint logo" src="assets/go.png" height="150" />
<h3 align="center">golangci-lint</h3>
<p align="center">Fast linters runner for Go</p>
`golangci-lint` is a fast Go linters runner. It runs linters in parallel, uses caching, supports `yaml` config, has integrations
with all major IDE and has dozens of linters included.
## Install `golangci-lint`
- [On my machine](https://golangci-lint.run/usage/install/#local-installation);
- [On CI/CD systems](https://golangci-lint.run/usage/install/#ci-installation).
## Documentation
Documentation is hosted at https://golangci-lint.run.
## Badges

## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [How to contribute](https://golangci-lint.run/contributing/quick-start/).
4. 我的git操作记录
4.1. 修改作者和邮箱
git rebase -i 82350e5
git commit --amend --author "Bai Yingjie <byj.tea@gmail.com>"
git rebase --continue
git rebase 82350e5 --exec 'git commit --amend --author="Bai Yingjie <byj.tea@gmail.com>"'
4.2. 修改commit时间
git commit --amend --date="Tue 20 Dec 2021 14:14:22 AM UTC" --no-edit
4.3. 同步upstream的更改
里面有两个分支, godev和master
4.3.1. 复杂步骤
# 直接拉上游更改
git checkout master
git pull https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng
# 上游更新push到组织repo. 此步必须
git push
# 第二步, 切换到godev分支, 拉刚才push的master
git checkout godev
git pull origin master
4.3.2. 简单步骤
# 直接拉上游更改
git checkout master
git pull https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng
# 第二步, 切换到godev分支, rebase
git checkout godev
git rebase master
# 用--skip可以跳过某个冲突的commit, 后续的commit会继续
git rebase --skip
4.4. 使用不同的用户名commit
git commit --author="Bai Yingjie <byj.tea@gmail.com>"
4.5. 同步remote已删除的分支
# 查看
$ git remote show origin
# 删除本地多余分支, 但已经checkout的分支还在
$ git remote prune origin
# 手动删除本地checkout的分支
git branch -d [branch_name]
4.6. 找到当前branch最近的tag
yingjieb@9102a93a554e /repo/yingjieb/godevsig/golang-go
$ git describe --tags --abbrev=0
4.7. 其他分支的修改拿到本分支
e164f53422 2020-10-22 Bai Yingjie godevsig: add support to use gccgo for ppc
# 先更新本地working tree
git checkout release-branch.go1.13
# cherry pick后, 自动会commit
git cherry-pick e164f53422
# 在release-branch.go1.13分支, 就有这个改动了. 但commit id不一样
222b096725 2020-10-22 Bai Yingjie godevsig: add support to use gccgo for ppc
4.8. diff和patch
比如A和B都是一个repo的两个拷贝. 某种原因, 我想把A里面还没有commit的改动, 拿到B里面来
git diff > ppc.patch
git apply /path/to/A/ppc.patch
4.9. 从其他git repo导入到新git库
4.9.1. Git global setup
git config --global user.name "Bai Yingjie"
git config --global user.email "yingjie.bai@nokia-sbell.com"
4.9.2. Create a new repository
git clone git@bhgitlab.int.net.nokia.com:godev/golang-go.git
cd golang-go
touch README.md
git add README.md
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin master
4.9.3. Push an existing folder
cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin git@bhgitlab.int.net.nokia.com:godev/golang-go.git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
4.9.4. Push an existing Git repository
cd existing_repo
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin git@bhgitlab.int.net.nokia.com:godev/golang-go.git
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags
cd crosstool-ng
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin git@gitlabe1.ext.net.nokia.com:godevsig/crosstool-ng.git
git push -u origin master
git push -u origin crosstool-ng-1.24.0
git remote set-url origin git@bhgitlab.int.net.nokia.com:godev/golang-go.git
git remote add gitlab git@bhgitlab.int.net.nokia.com:godev/golang-go.git
git push gitlab master
4.10. git新建远程分支
# 创建本地分支, 并切换到这个新建的分支
git checkout -b test
# 做修改
# push到远程分支, 格式git push <远程主机名> <本地分支名>:<远程分支名>
git push origin test:test
git push origin :test //将一个空分支推送到远程即为删除
git push origin --delete test
4.11. git 查看log摘要
git shortlog
可以看repo的提交信息, 每个作者名下的commit都是哪些.git shortlog -s
不输出具体的commit, 只给出数目统计
$ git shortlog -s
1 Author A
42 Author B
5 Author C
4.12. git checkout branch
这是个老生常谈的问题了, 用git branch -avv
看到的branch 名字
用下面的命令checkout并跟踪branch, 跟踪的意思是git pull的时候会更新当前的working copygit checkout master-FNMS-62052-Heartbeat_support
- 不要加-b选项, 我试下来-b会导致不track远程分支
- 去掉remotes/origin
4.13. git commit set格式
git的命令很多时候支持传入commit set,
用man gitrevisions
#生成从A到B的所有commit的patch, 不包括A, 但包括B
git format-patch A..B
4.14. git 修改commit
在本地还没提交的commit, 可以用git rebase -i
来修改, 过程和hg histedit
比如我要修改552476b75408 这个commit
77d3efca122b 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc/io: use phys_addr_t in virt_to_phys/phys_to_virt
552476b75408 2019-11-25 Bai Yingjie powerpc/mpc85xx: also write addr_h to spin table for 64bit boot entry
d5c2c21e7a74 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc32/booke: consistently return phys_addr_t in __pa()
46cf053efec6 2019-12-22 Linus Torvalds Linux 5.5-rc3
那我要找到它的前一个commit:git rebase -i d5c2c21e7a74
此时, 修改要修改的文件, commit必须用:
git commit --all --amend
git rebase --continue
4.15. git undo reset
git reset
会把commit丢弃掉, 比如
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa $ git ls
77d3efca122b 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc/io: use phys_addr_t in virt_to_phys/phys_to_virt
552476b75408 2019-11-25 Bai Yingjie powerpc/mpc85xx: also write addr_h to spin table for 64bit boot entry
d5c2c21e7a74 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc32/booke: consistently return phys_addr_t in __pa()
46cf053efec6 2019-12-22 Linus Torvalds Linux 5.5-rc3
git reset 552476b75408
最上面的commit就没了. 如果想把它找回来, 这时候就要用git reflog
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa $ git reflog
552476b75408 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{0}: reset: moving to 552476b75408
77d3efca122b HEAD@{1}: rebase -i (finish): returning to refs/heads/master
77d3efca122b HEAD@{2}: rebase -i (pick): powerpc/io: use phys_addr_t in virt_to_phys/phys_to_virt
552476b75408 (HEAD -> master) HEAD@{3}: rebase -i (pick): powerpc/mpc85xx: also write addr_h to spin table for 64bit boot entry
d5c2c21e7a74 HEAD@{4}: rebase -i (pick): powerpc32/booke: consistently return phys_addr_t in __pa()
46cf053efec6 (tag: v5.5-rc3, origin/master, origin/HEAD) HEAD@{5}: rebase -i (start): checkout 46cf053efec6
yingjieb@yingjieb-VirtualBox ~/repo/linux
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa $ git reset 'HEAD@{1}'
yingjieb@yingjieb-VirtualBox ~/repo/linux
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa $ git ls
77d3efca122b 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc/io: use phys_addr_t in virt_to_phys/phys_to_virt
552476b75408 2019-11-25 Bai Yingjie powerpc/mpc85xx: also write addr_h to spin table for 64bit boot entry
d5c2c21e7a74 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc32/booke: consistently return phys_addr_t in __pa()
46cf053efec6 2019-12-22 Linus Torvalds Linux 5.5-rc3
4.16. git调整commit顺序
调整前, 我想把3d5ecc00a315 和ca81e2ba497d 顺序调换一下
b0389050a303 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc/io: use phys_addr_t in virt_to_phys/phys_to_virt
3d5ecc00a315 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc32/booke: consistently return phys_addr_t in __pa()
ca81e2ba497d 2019-11-25 Bai Yingjie powerpc/mpc85xx: also write addr_h to spin table for 64bit boot entry
46cf053efec6 2019-12-22 Linus Torvalds Linux 5.5-rc3
#-i表示--interactive, 46cf053efec6是他们公共的父节点
git rebase -i 46cf053efec6
这个命令会跳出编辑框来, 只要把要调整的两行顺序调换一下就好了. 和hg histedit
77d3efca122b 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc/io: use phys_addr_t in virt_to_phys/phys_to_virt
552476b75408 2019-11-25 Bai Yingjie powerpc/mpc85xx: also write addr_h to spin table for 64bit boot entry
d5c2c21e7a74 2019-12-28 Bai Yingjie powerpc32/booke: consistently return phys_addr_t in __pa()
46cf053efec6 2019-12-22 Linus Torvalds Linux 5.5-rc3
4.17. linux kernel:找到一个函数/字符串 相关的commit
比如, drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-ocores.c
里面, 3.10的时候还有of_i2c_register_devices
, 但4.9就没有了.
我想找到哪个commit删除了这个函数的使用, 它又用了什么新方法?
git log drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-ocores.c -S of_i2c_register_devices
# 新修改: -S不能在最后
git log -S __noreturn arch/powerpc/include/asm/machdep.h
4.18. linux kernel: 找到一个commit对应的kernel release版本
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa $ git show 687b81d083c08
yingjieb@yingjieb-VirtualBox ~/repo/linux
Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa $ git describe --contains 687b81d083c08
4.19. 保存现场 两个现场切换 git stash
# 保存现场, --all包括所有untracked和iggnored文件
Linux Mint 19 Tara $ git stash push --all
Saved working directory and index state WIP on hxt-dev-v17.08: 7030d3888 Extand RXD TXD size to 2048
# 可以用-m加说明
Linux Mint 19 Tara $ git stash push --all -m "aarch64 17.11"
Saved working directory and index state On 17.11: aarch64 17.11
# 看看当前的stash
Linux Mint 19 Tara $ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on hxt-dev-v17.08: 7030d3888 Extand RXD TXD size to 2048
# 看某个stash的改动
Linux Mint 19 Tara $ git stash show stash@{0}
config/common_base | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
# 此时我切换到一个新的tag v18.05, 编译, 再stash;
Linux Mint 19 Tara $ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on (no branch): a5dce5555 version: 18.05.0
stash@{1}: WIP on hxt-dev-v17.08: 7030d3888 Extand RXD TXD size to 2048
# 还是切换回hxt-dev-v17.08
git checkout hxt-dev-v17.08
# 这里用apply, 而不是pop; 因为我想反复切换现场
git stash apply stash@{1}
git stash pop stash@{1}
# show tag with message
git tag -ln
4.20. git查看某个版本的文件, 不checkout
git show remotes/origin/releases:drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_rxtx.h
4.21. git设置允许push到非bare的库, 在remote端运行
git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
4.22. git取消commit
如果commit还没有push, 可以直接
git reset changset
4.23. git大文件支持
wget https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/releases/download/v2.0.0/git-lfs-linux-amd64-2.0.0.tar.gz
git lfs track "*.tar.*"
git add .gitattributes
git add *
git commit
git lfs ls-files
注: 好像不好用
4.24. git打包
yingjieb@yingjieb-gv /local/mnt/workspace/common/ls/kernel
$ git archive remotes/qserver/qserver-4.9 -o ../../archives/kernel.tar.gz
git archive HEAD -o ../dpdk-intel-only-cacheline64.tar.gz
4.25. push到远程repo
我想把本地的linux的repo push到云服务器上.
现在云服务器上创建个空的repo库, 没有这个空的库, 在本地push的时候会说没有远程的库
baiyingjie@caviumtech /home/share/src/alikernel/caviumkernel
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/share/src/alikernel/caviumkernel/.git/
然后在本地, 先要add一个remote, 网上都是图省事add origin, 但我这里是不行的, 因为origin是我的上游库, 我还要拿来更新
byj@mint ~/repo/git/cavium/thunder/sdk/sdk-master/linux/kernel/linux-aarch64
$ git remote add caviumtech ssh://baiyingjie@caviumtech.cn/home/share/src/alikernel/caviumkernel
$ git remote -v
caviumtech ssh://baiyingjie@caviumtech.cn/home/share/src/alikernel/caviumkernel (fetch)
caviumtech ssh://baiyingjie@caviumtech.cn/home/share/src/alikernel/caviumkernel (push)
origin git://cagit1.caveonetworks.com/thunder/sdk/linux-aarch64.git (fetch)
origin git://cagit1.caveonetworks.com/thunder/sdk/linux-aarch64.git (push)
然后就可以push了, 这里面的-u据说是:
由于远程库是空的,我们第一次推送master分支时,加上了-u参数,Git不但会把本地的master分支内容推送的远程新的master分支,还会把本地的master分支和远程的master分支关联起来,在以后的推送或者拉取时就可以简化命令。但我怀疑这里有个副作用, 就是把本地的分支指向了这个远程分支, 而我需要保留这个指向到origin
byj@mint ~/repo/git/cavium/thunder/sdk/sdk-master/linux/kernel/linux-aarch64
$ git push caviumtech alibaba-4.2
4.26. 单一分支clone
git clone git://cagit1.caveonetworks.com/thunder/boot/atf.git -b thunder-master --single-branch --depth=10
4.27. git下载远程分支
git默认会把remote上的更新都fetch下来的, 但我这里想下的一个分支为什么没有呢?
$ git branch -avv
* thunder-master efe9731 [origin/thunder-master] i2c: thunderx: update to v8
remotes/origin/thunder-master efe9731 i2c: thunderx: update to v8
$ cat .git/FETCH_HEAD
efe97310c4c06b046f2f14006ccc990243da9307 branch 'thunder-master' of git://cagit1.caveonetworks.com/thunder/sdk/linux-aarch64
git fetch origin alibaba-4.2
以上这句会更新.git/FETCH_HEAD, 不推荐用
$ cat .git/config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
url = git://cagit1.caveonetworks.com/thunder/sdk/linux-aarch64.git
fetch = +refs/heads/thunder-master:refs/remotes/origin/thunder-master
fetch = +refs/heads/alibaba-4.2:refs/remotes/origin/alibaba-4.2
[branch "thunder-master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/thunder-master
- 这里面origin是个默认的名字, 来指代原始url
以后git branch -avv 就能看到两个
$ git branch -avv
* thunder-master efe9731 [origin/thunder-master] i2c: thunderx: update to v8
remotes/origin/alibaba-4.2 0e253af Compiler bug workaround!!!
remotes/origin/thunder-master efe9731 i2c: thunderx: update to v8
$ git checkout alibaba-4.2
4.28. 创建本地分支来跟踪远程分支
root@CVMX55 ~/src/git/LuaJIT
# git branch -avv
* master 3d4c9f9 [origin/master] FFI: Fix SPLIT pass for CONV i64.u64.
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
remotes/origin/master 3d4c9f9 FFI: Fix SPLIT pass for CONV i64.u64.
remotes/origin/v2.1 22e7b00 DynASM/x64: Fix for full VREG support.
root@CVMX55 ~/src/git/LuaJIT
# git checkout --track remotes/origin/v2.1
Branch v2.1 set up to track remote branch v2.1 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'v2.1'
# git checkout -b v2.1 remotes/origin/v2.1
4.29. git merge本地改动
git stash
git merge origin/master
pop出来的时候, 已经merge好了?
git stash pop
4.30. git比较某次commit的改动
git difftool a450650dd9cbfff454a1f5cd443b8a2a3ed3206f^!
git diff 15dc8^..15dc8
git show a450650dd9cbfff454a1f5cd443b8a2a3ed3206f
4.30.1. 查看单个文件
git show 6194e7c4 src/omci/mealarm.go
4.31. git比较本地修改
git add以后就不能直接diff本地修改了, 需要加cached选项
git diff --cached
4.32. 还是犯了remote错误
背景是我在mint上拷贝了ma的库, 从美国更新, remote是美国, 可以看到有很多remote分支.
但用的命令是git pull, 它只会更新当前branch
服务器上的库是clone mint机器的, 所以此时remote是mint, 只有我曾经在mint上checkout过的两个本地分支;
而我只更新了master, 而stable不是当前分支, 所以mint上的local的stable分支从来不变.
所以fae从stable merge也就从来没有新东西.
解决办法是想办法把所有mint的本地分支都更新. 比如checkout后pull或者rebase(感觉rebase更靠谱点)
yingjie@cavium /cavium/repo/git/thunder/linux-aarch64
$ git branch -a
* fae
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/thunder-master
thunder-stable 和 remotes/origin/thunder-stable不是一回事
前者是local的分支, 后者和origin/thunder-stable是一个东西, 是remote上的分支git log thunder-stable
和 git log origin/thunder-stable
4.33. 为什么git clone一个本地的repo没有branch?
现象:从原始repo clone的库(比如叫repo1)用git branch -a看是有很多分支的;
但从repo1再clone为repo2, 就只有master分支了.
第一次clone: 对repo1来说, origin是原始库
第二次clone: 对repo2来说, origin是repo1
而clone会带origin库本地的branch, 第一次原始库里面的branch带到repo1里, 但不在repo1本地;
所以第二次clone发现repo1本地没有branch, 就没clone
- 不能连到原始库:在repo1里面跟踪每个分支
- 能连原始库:在repo2里面
git remote add
- git clone的是remote库当前的分支
- git fetch是说从remote库拿到最新的东西, "应该是包括所有分支的东西"
- git merge 分支名是说把一个分支merge到当前工作区(也可以说是当前分支), 默认会直接commit
- git pull 是前面两个动作的组合, fetch都会成功, 但如果本地的当前分支和remote的当前分支不是同一个, git会抱怨不知道merge哪个分支.
- 在fae分支push, 提示receive.denyCurrentBranch问题, 应该设为ignore
- git push如果和remote的当前分支一样就应该会成功
- git checkout -b fae应该隐含了commit操作, 或类似的操作, 因为本地repo会记住这个分支
4.34. git切换分支
git checkout master
git checkout fae
4.35. 放弃本地更改
git reset --hard
git reset --hard origin/master
4.36. git merge 不commit
git merge master --no-commit
4.37. git tag
git tag -a -m "tag 0.1" 0.1
git push --tag
4.38. git log显示文件
git log --stat
4.39. git使用kdiff查看改动
$ git difftool 4bc4c5c6fdf06d1d7b8fd1b6dbe1f6d721d05389 965697b896aeb5993e973942aebac19945436e87 -d
也可以和上一次比, 用revision~1表示上次的
$ git difftool bc6c72ff37dd9deb7c83d9bf77e713b747976140 bc6c72ff37dd9deb7c83d9bf77e713b747976140~1 -d
4.40. git更改remote
git remote set-url origin ssh://byj@
git remote -v
4.41. git 从别人那里pull
$ git pull ssh://byj@ master
后面的master是分支名 不加的话, 会失败:
You asked to pull from the remote 'ssh://byj@', but did not specify
a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote
for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line.
4.42. git恢复文件
git checkout filename
4.43. git clean, 删除所有未跟踪的文件
git clean -fdx
For all git clean commands, add -n for dry-run. Clean all untracked files and directories, except ignored files (listed in .gitignore): git clean -fd Also clean ignored files: git clean -fdx Only clean ignored files (useful for removing build artifacts, to ensure a fresh build from scratch, without discarding new files/directories you haven't committed yet): git clean -fdX
4.44. git查看clone地址
git remote -v