1. 库地址

https://github.com/nanomsg/mangos.git mangos是nanomsg的纯go版本实现.

Mangos™ is an implementation in pure Go of the SP (“Scalability Protocols”) messaging system. These are colloquially known as a “nanomsg”.

The design is intended to make it easy to add new transports with almost trivial effort, as well as new topologies (“protocols” in SP parlance.)

At present, all of the Req/Rep, Pub/Sub, Pair, Bus, Push/Pull, and Surveyor/Respondent patterns are supported. This project also supports an experimental protocol called Star.

2. 代码走读

mangos的顶层go文件, 是典型的抽象定义模式: 先在顶层定义好抽象, 子文件夹管实现. 这是自顶向下的设计方法.

2.1. 接口抽象

2.1.1. socket.go

socket.go提供了socket的抽象. 这里的socket是zeroMQ的socket概念, 是对更底层"socket"的场景化抽象. socket是应用侧访问这个SP system的接口. socket.go是对internal/core/socket.go的对外呈现, core的socket.go是实现者.


接口设计的很简洁, 符合zeroMQ类似的抽象.

// Socket is the main access handle applications use to access the SP
// system.  It is an abstraction of an application's "connection" to a
// messaging topology.  Applications can have more than one Socket open
// at a time.
type Socket interface {
    // Info returns information about the protocol (numbers and names)
    // and peer protocol.
    Info() ProtocolInfo

    // Close closes the open Socket.  Further operations on the socket
    // will return ErrClosed.
    Close() error

    // Send puts the message on the outbound send queue.  It blocks
    // until the message can be queued, or the send deadline expires.
    // If a queued message is later dropped for any reason,
    // there will be no notification back to the application.
    Send([]byte) error

    // Recv receives a complete message.  The entire message is received.
    Recv() ([]byte, error)

    // SendMsg puts the message on the outbound send.  It works like Send,
    // but allows the caller to supply message headers.  AGAIN, the Socket
    SendMsg(*Message) error

    // RecvMsg receives a complete message, including the message header,
    // which is useful for protocols in raw mode.
    RecvMsg() (*Message, error)

    // Dial connects a remote endpoint to the Socket.  The function
    // returns immediately, and an asynchronous goroutine is started to
    // establish and maintain the connection, reconnecting as needed.
    // If the address is invalid, then an error is returned.
    Dial(addr string) error

    DialOptions(addr string, options map[string]interface{}) error

    // NewDialer returns a Dialer object which can be used to get
    // access to the underlying configuration for dialing.
    NewDialer(addr string, options map[string]interface{}) (Dialer, error)

    // Listen connects a local endpoint to the Socket.  Remote peers
    // may connect (e.g. with Dial) and will each be "connected" to
    // the Socket.  The accepter logic is run in a separate goroutine.
    // The only error possible is if the address is invalid.
    Listen(addr string) error

    ListenOptions(addr string, options map[string]interface{}) error

    NewListener(addr string, options map[string]interface{}) (Listener, error)

    // GetOption is used to retrieve an option for a socket.
    GetOption(name string) (interface{}, error)

    // SetOption is used to set an option for a socket.
    SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error

    // OpenContext creates a new Context.  If a protocol does not
    // support separate contexts, this will return an error.
    OpenContext() (Context, error)

    // SetPipeEventHook sets a PipeEventHook function to be called when a
    // Pipe is added or removed from this socket (connect/disconnect).
    // The previous hook is returned (nil if none.)  (Only one hook can
    // be used at a time.)
    SetPipeEventHook(PipeEventHook) PipeEventHook
  • Send和Recv是不带header的, 而SendMsg和RecvMsg带header; 发送都是发往outbound Q. Q满了会阻塞
  • Dial表达的是connect, Listen是bind
  • GetOption和SetOption用来设置底层socket


每个protocol都有个默认的context. 只有部分protocol允许自建context context的抽象和socket一样? 只是socket的子集? -- context是建立在socket之上的, 顾名思义, 是带上下文的socket.

// Context is a protocol context, and represents the upper side operations
// that applications will want to use.  Every socket has a default context,
// but only a certain protocols will allow the creation of additional
// Context instances (only if separate stateful contexts make sense for
// a given protocol).
type Context interface {

    // Close closes the open Socket.  Further operations on the socket
    // will return ErrClosed.
    Close() error

    // GetOption is used to retrieve an option for a socket.
    GetOption(name string) (interface{}, error)

    // SetOption is used to set an option for a socket.
    SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error

    // Send puts the message on the outbound send queue.  It blocks
    // until the message can be queued, or the send deadline expires.
    // If a queued message is later dropped for any reason,
    // there will be no notification back to the application.
    Send([]byte) error

    // Recv receives a complete message.  The entire message is received.
    Recv() ([]byte, error)

    // SendMsg puts the message on the outbound send.  It works like Send,
    // but allows the caller to supply message headers.  AGAIN, the Socket
    SendMsg(*Message) error

    // RecvMsg receives a complete message, including the message header,
    // which is useful for protocols in raw mode.
    RecvMsg() (*Message, error)

2.1.2. options.go

上文提到的option, 都在这里定义, 注释写的非常确切. options大大小小包括很多, 比如raw mode, 比如超时时间, Q的size 举几个例子:

const (
    // OptionRaw is used to test if the socket in RAW mod.  The details of
    // how this varies from normal mode vary from protocol to protocol,
    // but RAW mode is generally minimal protocol processing, and
    // stateless.  RAW mode sockets are constructed with different
    // protocol constructor.  Raw mode is generally used with Device()
    // or similar proxy configurations.
    OptionRaw = "RAW"

    // OptionRecvDeadline is the time until the next Recv times out.  The
    // value is a time.Duration.  Zero value may be passed to indicate that
    // no timeout should be applied.  A negative value indicates a
    // non-blocking operation.  By default there is no timeout.
    OptionRecvDeadline = "RECV-DEADLINE" //默认不超时, 永远等

    // OptionRetryTime is used by REQ.  The argument is a time.Duration.
    // When a request has not been replied to within the given duration,
    // the request will automatically be resent to an available peer.
    // This value should be longer than the maximum possible processing
    // and transport time.  The value zero indicates that no automatic
    // retries should be sent.  The default value is one minute.
    // Note that changing this option is only guaranteed to affect requests
    // sent after the option is set.  Changing the value while a request
    // is outstanding may not have the desired effect.
    OptionRetryTime = "RETRY-TIME" //默认一分钟

    // OptionSubscribe is used by SUB/XSUB.  The argument is a []byte.
    // The application will receive messages that start with this prefix.
    // Multiple subscriptions may be in effect on a given socket.  The
    // application will not receive messages that do not match any current
    // subscriptions.  (If there are no subscriptions for a SUB/XSUB
    // socket, then the application will not receive any messages.  An
    // empty prefix can be used to subscribe to all messages.)
    OptionSubscribe = "SUBSCRIBE" //subscribe通过option来操作

    // OptionWriteQLen is used to set the size, in messages, of the write
    // queue channel. By default, it's 128. This option cannot be set if
    // Dial or Listen has been called on the socket.
    OptionWriteQLen = "WRITEQ-LEN" //发送q的大小, 默认128个message

    // OptionLinger is used to set the linger property.  This is the amount
    // of time to wait for send queues to drain when Close() is called.
    // Close() may block for up to this long if there is unsent data, but
    // will return as soon as all data is delivered to the transport.
    // Value is a time.Duration.  Default is one second.
    OptionLinger = "LINGER" // close默认等待1秒, 好让还没发送出去的msg发出去.

    // OptionMaxRecvSize supplies the maximum receive size for inbound
    // messages.  This option exists because the wire protocol allows
    // the sender to specify the size of the incoming message, and
    // if the size were overly large, a bad remote actor could perform a
    // remote Denial-Of-Service by requesting ridiculously  large message
    // sizes and then stalling on send.  The default value is 1MB.
    // A value of 0 removes the limit, but should not be used unless
    // absolutely sure that the peer is trustworthy.
    // Not all transports honor this limit.  For example, this limit
    // makes no sense when used with inproc.
    // Note that the size includes any Protocol specific header.  It is
    // better to pick a value that is a little too big, than too small.
    // This option is only intended to prevent gross abuse  of the system,
    // and not a substitute for proper application message verification.
    // This option is type int64.
    OptionMaxRecvSize = "MAX-RCV-SIZE" //这个厉害了, DDOS, 默认最大收1MB, 防止对端饱和攻击.

    // OptionReconnectTime is the initial interval used for connection
    // attempts.  If a connection attempt does not succeed, then ths socket
    // will wait this long before trying again.  An optional exponential
    // backoff may cause this value to grow.  See OptionMaxReconnectTime
    // for more details.   This is a time.Duration whose default value is
    // 100msec.  This option must be set before starting any dialers.
    OptionReconnectTime = "RECONNECT-TIME" //重连间隔, 默认100ms

    // OptionBestEffort enables non-blocking send operations on the
    // socket. Normally (for some socket types), a socket will block if
    // there are no receivers, or the receivers are unable to keep up
    // with the sender. (Multicast sockets types like Bus or Star do not
    // behave this way.)  If this option is set, instead of blocking, the
    // message will be silently discarded.  The value is a boolean, and
    // defaults to False.
    OptionBestEffort = "BEST-EFFORT" //这个厉害了, 有这个标记的socket, 如果遇到发送时对端没准备好等情况, 直接丢弃msg

    // OptionLocalAddr expresses a local address.  For dialers, this is
    // the (often random) address that was locally bound.  For listeners,
    // it is usually the service address.  The value is a net.Addr.  This
    // is generally a read-only value for pipes, though it might sometimes
    // be available on dialers or listeners.
    OptionLocalAddr = "LOCAL-ADDR" //获取本地地址

    // OptionRemoteAddr expresses a remote address.  For dialers, this is
    // the service address.  For listeners, its the address of the far
    // end dialer.  The value is a net.Addr.  It is generally read-only
    // and available only on pipes and dialers.
    OptionRemoteAddr = "REMOTE-ADDR" //获取对端地址, 对pipe和dialer有效.


2.1.3. pipe.go

pipe似乎很重要, 但接口定义很简单:

// Pipe represents the high level interface to a low level communications
// channel.  There is one of these associated with a given TCP connection,
// for example.  This interface is intended for application use.
// Note that applications cannot send or receive data on a Pipe directly.
type Pipe interface {

    // ID returns the numeric ID for this Pipe.  This will be a
    // 31 bit (bit 32 is clear) value for the Pipe, which is unique
    // across all other Pipe instances in the application, while
    // this Pipe exists.  (IDs are recycled on Close, but only after
    // all other Pipe values are used.)
    ID() uint32

    // Address returns the address (URL form) associated with the Pipe.
    // This matches the string passed to Dial() or Listen().
    Address() string

    // GetOption returns an arbitrary option.  The details will vary
    // for different transport types.
    GetOption(name string) (interface{}, error)

    // Listener returns the Listener for this Pipe, or nil if none.
    Listener() Listener

    // Dialer returns the Dialer for this Pipe, or nil if none.
    Dialer() Dialer

    // Close closes the Pipe.  This does a disconnect, or something similar.
    // Note that if a dialer is present and active, it will redial.
    Close() error

2.1.4. message.go

message是对数据的承载载体, 包括header 对mesage的分包因protocol而异. 这里的message不包括比如tcp/ip头. 对transport来说, 这个message就是个大的payload.

// Message encapsulates the messages that we exchange back and forth.  The
// meaning of the Header and Body fields, and where the splits occur, will
// vary depending on the protocol.  Note however that any headers applied by
// transport layers (including TCP/ethernet headers, and SP protocol
// independent length headers), are *not* included in the Header.
type Message struct {
    // Header carries any protocol (SP) specific header.  Applications
    // should not modify or use this unless they are using Raw mode.
    // No user data may be placed here.
    Header []byte

    // Body carries the body of the message.  This can also be thought
    // of as the message "payload".
    Body []byte

    // Pipe may be set on message receipt, to indicate the Pipe from
    // which the Message was received.  There are no guarantees that the
    // Pipe is still active, and applications should only use this for
    // informational purposes.
    Pipe Pipe //这个有点像channel in channel的意思.

    bbuf   []byte
    hbuf   []byte
    bsize  int
    refcnt int32

message pool

和标准库fmt包一样, msg也用了pool模式, 按照msg的size进行了分块. 这样做是为了减小GC的压力.

type msgCacheInfo struct {
    maxbody int
    pool    *sync.Pool

func newMsg(sz int) *Message {
    m := &Message{}
    m.bbuf = make([]byte, 0, sz) //实际的size全部在body中分配
    m.hbuf = make([]byte, 0, 32) //这里很清楚, 默认的header大小为32字节
    m.bsize = sz
    return m

// We can tweak these!
var messageCache = []msgCacheInfo{
        maxbody: 64,
        pool: &sync.Pool{
            New: func() interface{} { return newMsg(64) },
    }, {
        maxbody: 128,
        pool: &sync.Pool{
            New: func() interface{} { return newMsg(128) },
    }, {

补充: sync.Pool可以传入一个New函数, 在pool里面没有对象的时候, 默认new一个. 有了这个Pool, 可以手动free msg, 进一步减轻gc压力.

// Free releases the message to the pool from which it was allocated.
// While this is not strictly necessary thanks to GC, doing so allows
// for the resources to be recycled without engaging GC.  This can have
// rather substantial benefits for performance.
func (m *Message) Free() {
    if m != nil {
        if atomic.AddInt32(&m.refcnt, -1) == 0 {
            for i := range messageCache {
                if m.bsize == messageCache[i].maxbody {
                    messageCache[i].pool.Put(m) //free其实就是返还到pool



  • 上面说的Free()
  • Clone() 只是把引用计数加一, 表示这个msg是共享的. 调用Clone()的人不要修改msg, 因为这个msg还是别人的.
  • Dup() 深拷贝这个msg, 可以修改.
  • MakeUnique() 一般用m = m.MakeUnique()来保证这个msg是自己独享的: 如果msg的引用计数为1, 返回msg本身; 否则Dup()一份, 删掉原msg, 返回Dup的, 即MakeUnique()后, 原msg也不能使用了.

最后是NewMessage()函数: 从pool中new一个msg

// NewMessage is the supported way to obtain a new Message.  This makes
// use of a "cache" which greatly reduces the load on the garbage collector.
func NewMessage(sz int) *Message {
    var m *Message
    for i := range messageCache {
        if sz < messageCache[i].maxbody {
            m = messageCache[i].pool.Get().(*Message)
    if m == nil {
        m = newMsg(sz)

    m.Body = m.bbuf //Body就是bbuf
    m.Header = m.hbuf //Header就是hbuf
    atomic.StoreInt32(&m.refcnt, 1)
    return m

2.1.5. protocol.go

protocol就是场景化的套路类型: 比如Req/Rep Pub/Sub

// Useful constants for protocol numbers.  Note that the major protocol number
// is stored in the upper 12 bits, and the minor (subprotocol) is located in
// the bottom 4 bits.
const (
    ProtoPair       = (1 * 16)
    ProtoPub        = (2 * 16)
    ProtoSub        = (2 * 16) + 1
    ProtoReq        = (3 * 16)
    ProtoRep        = (3 * 16) + 1
    ProtoPush       = (5 * 16)
    ProtoPull       = (5 * 16) + 1
    ProtoSurveyor   = (6 * 16) + 2
    ProtoRespondent = (6 * 16) + 3
    ProtoBus        = (7 * 16)
    ProtoStar       = (100 * 16) // Experimental!


// ProtocolPipe represents the handle that a Protocol implementation has
// to the underlying stream transport.  It can be thought of as one side
// of a TCP, IPC, or other type of connection.
type ProtocolPipe interface {
    // ID returns a unique 31-bit value associated with this.
    // The value is unique for a given socket, at a given time.
    ID() uint32

    // Close does what you think.
    Close() error

    // SendMsg sends a message.  On success it returns nil. This is a
    // blocking call.
    SendMsg(*Message) error

    // RecvMsg receives a message.  It blocks until the message is
    // received.  On error, the pipe is closed and nil is returned.
    RecvMsg() *Message

    // SetPrivate is used to set protocol private data.

    // GetPrivate returns the previously stored protocol private data.
    GetPrivate() interface{}

context就是protocol+使用上下文; 所有context都是stateful的. 奇怪的是RecvMsg() (*Message, error)的签名, 只有它和protocol长得不一样

// ProtocolContext is a "context" for a protocol, which contains the
// various stateful operations such as timers, etc. necessary for
// running the protocol.  This is separable from the protocol itself
// as the protocol may permit the creation of multiple contexts.
type ProtocolContext interface {
    // Close closes the context.
    Close() error

    // SendMsg sends the message.  The message may be queued, or
    // may be delivered immediately, depending on the nature of
    // the protocol.  On success, the context assumes ownership
    // of the message.  On error, the caller retains ownership,
    // and may either resend the message or dispose of it otherwise.
    SendMsg(*Message) error

    // RecvMsg receives a complete message, including the message header,
    // which is useful for protocols in raw mode.
    RecvMsg() (*Message, error)

    // GetOption is used to retrieve the current value of an option.
    // If the protocol doesn't recognize the option, EBadOption should
    // be returned.
    GetOption(string) (interface{}, error)

    // SetOption is used to set an option.  EBadOption is returned if
    // the option name is not recognized, EBadValue if the value is
    // invalid.
    SetOption(string, interface{}) error


// ProtocolBase provides the protocol-specific handling for sockets.
// This is the new style API for sockets, and is how protocols provide
// their specific handling.
type ProtocolBase interface {

    // Info returns the information describing this protocol.
    Info() ProtocolInfo

    // XXX: Revisit these when we can use Pipe natively.

    // AddPipe is called when a new Pipe is added to the socket.
    // Typically this is as a result of connect or accept completing.
    // The pipe ID will be unique for the socket at this time.
    // The implementation must not call back into the socket, but it
    // may reject the pipe by returning a non-nil result.
    AddPipe(ProtocolPipe) error

    // RemovePipe is called when a Pipe is removed from the socket.
    // Typically this indicates a disconnected or closed connection.
    // This is called exactly once, after the underlying transport pipe
    // is closed.  The Pipe ID will still be valid.

    // OpenContext is a request to create a unique instance of the
    // protocol state machine, allowing concurrent use of states on
    // a given protocol socket.  Protocols that don't support this
    // should return ErrProtoOp.
    OpenContext() (ProtocolContext, error)


// ProtocolInfo is a description of the protocol.
type ProtocolInfo struct {
    Self     uint16
    Peer     uint16
    SelfName string
    PeerName string


用户使用的时候, 一般会调用NewSocket, 这个API就是对下面protocol的MakeSocket的调用.

// MakeSocket creates a Socket on top of a Protocol.
func MakeSocket(proto Protocol) Socket {
    return core.MakeSocket(proto)


func newSocket(proto mangos.ProtocolBase) *socket {
    s := &socket{
        proto:         proto,
        reconnMinTime: defaultReconnMinTime,
        reconnMaxTime: defaultReconnMaxTime,
        maxRxSize:     defaultMaxRxSize,
    return s

// MakeSocket is intended for use by Protocol implementations.  The intention
// is that they can wrap this to provide a "proto.NewSocket()" implementation.
func MakeSocket(proto mangos.ProtocolBase) mangos.Socket {
    return newSocket(proto)

2.1.6. transport.go

提供给transport类型实现方使用的统一的transport的抽象. 这是root下的tansport.go文件, transport下面还有自己的transport.go 这两个文件以后估计会merge到一起.


注意, ransport的实现方才关心pipe, 应用侧不要用pipe.

// TranPipe behaves like a full-duplex message-oriented connection between two
// peers.  Callers may call operations on a Pipe simultaneously from
// different goroutines.  (These are different from net.Conn because they
// provide message oriented semantics.)
// Pipe is only intended for use by transport implementors, and should
// not be directly used in applications.
type TranPipe interface {

    // Send sends a complete message.  In the event of a partial send,
    // the Pipe will be closed, and an error is returned.  For reasons
    // of efficiency, we allow the message to be sent in a scatter/gather
    // list.
    Send(*Message) error

    // Recv receives a complete message.  In the event that either a
    // complete message could not be received, an error is returned
    // to the caller and the Pipe is closed.
    // To mitigate Denial-of-Service attacks, we limit the max message
    // size to 1M.
    Recv() (*Message, error)

    // Close closes the underlying transport.  Further operations on
    // the Pipe will result in errors.  Note that messages that are
    // queued in transport buffers may still be received by the remote
    // peer.
    Close() error

    // GetOption returns an arbitrary transport specific option on a
    // pipe.  Options for pipes are read-only and specific to that
    // particular connection. If the property doesn't exist, then
    // ErrBadOption should be returned.
    GetOption(string) (interface{}, error)


下面会看到很清楚, 这个文件旨在统一transport的抽象, 我们从上到下看:

// Transport is the interface for transport suppliers to implement.
type Transport interface {
    // Scheme returns a string used as the prefix for SP "addresses".
    // This is similar to a URI scheme.  For example, schemes can be
    // "tcp" (for "tcp://xxx..."), "ipc", "inproc", etc.
    Scheme() string

    // NewDialer creates a new Dialer for this Transport.
    NewDialer(url string, sock Socket) (TranDialer, error)

    // NewListener creates a new PipeListener for this Transport.
    // This generally also arranges for an OS-level file descriptor to be
    // opened, and bound to the the given address, as well as establishing
    // any "listen" backlog.
    NewListener(url string, sock Socket) (TranListener, error)


  • 一个命名规则: 比如"tcp://xxx..."
  • 一个NewDialer方法
  • 一个NewListener方法

TranDialer TranListener

TranDialer TranListener都分别有别名Dialer和Listener

// TranDialer represents the client side of a connection.  Clients initiate
// the connection.
// TranDialer is only intended for use by transport implementors, and should
// not be directly used in applications.
type TranDialer interface {
    // Dial is used to initiate a connection to a remote peer.
    Dial() (TranPipe, error)

    // SetOption sets a local option on the dialer.
    // ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
    // ErrBadValue can be returned for incorrect value types.
    SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error

    // GetOption gets a local option from the dialer.
    // ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
    GetOption(name string) (value interface{}, err error)

// TranListener represents the server side of a connection.  Servers respond
// to a connection request from clients.
// TranListener is only intended for use by transport implementors, and should
// not be directly used in applications.
type TranListener interface {

    // Listen actually begins listening on the interface.  It is
    // called just prior to the Accept() routine normally. It is
    // the socket equivalent of bind()+listen().
    Listen() error

    // Accept completes the server side of a connection.  Once the
    // connection is established and initial handshaking is complete,
    // the resulting connection is returned to the client.
    Accept() (TranPipe, error)

    // Close ceases any listening activity, and will specifically close
    // any underlying file descriptor.  Once this is done, the only way
    // to resume listening is to create a new Server instance.  Presumably
    // this function is only called when the last reference to the server
    // is about to go away.  Established connections are unaffected.
    Close() error

    // SetOption sets a local option on the listener.
    // ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
    // ErrBadValue can be returned for incorrect value types.
    SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error

    // GetOption gets a local option from the listener.
    // ErrBadOption can be returned for unrecognized options.
    GetOption(name string) (value interface{}, err error)

    // Address gets the local address.  The value may not be meaningful
    // until Listen() has been called.
    Address() string

以上的"二级"接口依然不是最终的接口, 最终的接口是TranPipe, 就是本节最开头的接口定义.


这里对transport的抽象是"分级"的. 接口的函数返回接口, 是对"另一件事"的抽象.
比如TransportNewDialer()方法, 返回TranDialer抽象; 再由其的Dial()方法返回TranPipe抽象, 后者才有Send(*Message) errorRecv() (*Message, error)方法.

  • 抽象是有层次的, 抽象返回抽象.

对比我模糊的对transport的抽象认知: transport似乎应该是包括了send recv等多个方法的单一接口.
mangos的抽象更有层次, 更清晰.

2.1.7. 顶层listener.go和dialer.go

和transport的listener和dialer完全不一样, 顶层的定义是面向用户api的.

// Listener is an interface to the underlying listener for a transport
// and address.
type Listener interface {
    // Close closes the listener, and removes it from any active socket.
    // Further operations on the Listener will return ErrClosed.
    Close() error

    // Listen starts listening for new connectons on the address.
    Listen() error

    // Address returns the string (full URL) of the Listener.
    Address() string

    // SetOption sets an option on the Listener. Setting options
    // can only be done before Listen() has been called.
    SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error

    // GetOption gets an option value from the Listener.
    GetOption(name string) (interface{}, error)
// Dialer is an interface to the underlying dialer for a transport
// and address.
type Dialer interface {
    // Close closes the dialer, and removes it from any active socket.
    // Further operations on the Dialer will return ErrClosed.
    Close() error

    // Dial starts connecting on the address.  If a connection fails,
    // it will restart.
    Dial() error

    // Address returns the string (full URL) of the Listener.
    Address() string

    // SetOption sets an option on the Dialer. Setting options
    // can only be done before Dial() has been called.
    SetOption(name string, value interface{}) error

    // GetOption gets an option value from the Listener.
    GetOption(name string) (interface{}, error)

2.1.8. device.go

用于在socket之间转发, 这两个socket必须都是raw模式

func Device(s1 Socket, s2 Socket) error {
    go forwarder(s1, s2)
    if s2 != s1 {
        go forwarder(s2, s1)
    return nil

// Forwarder takes messages from one socket, and sends them to the other.
// The sockets must be of compatible types, and must be in Raw mode.
func forwarder(fromSock Socket, toSock Socket) {
    for {
        m, err := fromSock.RecvMsg()
        if err != nil {
            // Probably closed socket, nothing else we can do.

        err = toSock.SendMsg(m)
        if err != nil {

2.2. transport

2.2.1. transport/transport.go


var transports = map[string]Transport{}

// RegisterTransport is used to register the transport globally,
// after which it will be available for all sockets.  The
// transport will override any others registered for the same
// scheme.
func RegisterTransport(t Transport) {
    transports[t.Scheme()] = t

// GetTransport is used by a socket to lookup the transport
// for a given scheme.
func GetTransport(scheme string) Transport {
    defer lock.RUnlock()
    if t, ok := transports[scheme]; ok {
        return t
    return nil

多出使用了技巧: type和等号实际上是alias

// Pipe is a transport pipe.
type Pipe = mangos.TranPipe

// Dialer is a factory that creates Pipes by connecting to remote listeners.
type Dialer = mangos.TranDialer

// Listener is a factory that creates Pipes by listening to inbound dialers.
type Listener = mangos.TranListener

// Transport is our transport operations.
type Transport = mangos.Transport

2.2.2. transport/handshaker.go

这里handshaker是对异步握手的抽象. 所谓异步握手就是握手会在后台进行, 不block当前流程.

// Handshaker is used to support dealing with asynchronous
// handshaking used for some transports.  This allows the
// initial handshaking to be done in the background, without
// stalling the server's accept queue.  This is important to
// ensure that a slow remote peer cannot bog down the server
// or effect a denial-of-service for new connections.
type Handshaker interface {
    // Start injects a pipe into the handshaker.  The
    // handshaking is done asynchronously on a Go routine.

    // Waits for until a pipe has completely finished the
    // handshaking and returns it.
    Wait() (Pipe, error)

    // Close is used to close the handshaker.  Any existing
    // negotiations will be canceled, and the underlying
    // transport sockets will be closed.  Any new attempts
    // to start will return mangos.ErrClosed.

2.2.3. transport/conn.go

这个文件实现了基于net.conn的TranPipe. 这个TranPipe也有别名connPipe, 其他的stream式的transport实现可以被被包装成connPipe, 使用这里通用的分包方法和握手协议.

// conn implements the Pipe interface on top of net.Conn.  The
// assumption is that transports using this have similar wire protocols,
// and conn is meant to be used as a building block.
type conn struct {
    c       net.Conn
    proto   ProtocolInfo
    open    bool
    options map[string]interface{} //对于option, 一把get set操作不频繁, 用string类的map再合适不过了.
    maxrx   int


对net库, encoding/binary库的使用很到位:

// Recv implements the TranPipe Recv method.  The message received is expected
// as a 64-bit size (network byte order) followed by the message itself.
func (p *conn) Recv() (*Message, error) {
    var sz int64
    var err error
    var msg *Message

    //binary标准库解析字节序列到size, 到结构体都行. 需要指明大小端.
    if err = binary.Read(p.c, binary.BigEndian, &sz); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Limit messages to the maximum receive value, if not
    // unlimited.  This avoids a potential denial of service.
    if sz < 0 || (p.maxrx > 0 && sz > int64(p.maxrx)) {
        return nil, mangos.ErrTooLong

    //这里是从pool里new msg
    msg = mangos.NewMessage(int(sz))
    msg.Body = msg.Body[0:sz]

    //用io.ReadFull读完整的msg, 也就是size长度的msg.
    //很明显, 这里的前提是stream方式的数据报.
    if _, err = io.ReadFull(p.c, msg.Body); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return msg, nil

// Send implements the Pipe Send method.  The message is sent as a 64-bit
// size (network byte order) followed by the message itself.
func (p *conn) Send(msg *Message) error {
    //net的Buffer是[][]byte, 是典型scatter模式, 即离散buffer模式.
    var buff = net.Buffers{}

    //这里size一定是大端格式的, 而且这个size是header和body的和.
    // Serialize the length header
    l := uint64(len(msg.Header) + len(msg.Body))
    lbyte := make([]byte, 8)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(lbyte, l)

    //lbyte是大端, msg.Header, msg.Body还是原始字节序
    //用append来组包, 因为是二维byte, append只拷贝`[]byte`头, 不存在额外数据拷贝.
    // Attach the length header along with the actual header and body
    buff = append(buff, lbyte, msg.Header, msg.Body)

    //buffer自带的writeTo函数, 一把写完.
    if _, err := buff.WriteTo(p.c); err != nil {
        return err

    return nil

注意, 以上的函数中的header部分是[]byte, 对其具体的header格式没有认知.


  • 发送接收都是先有个size, 再根据size取出"payload". size是header+body的总大小
    • 因为共享size, 所以接收方没有办法分别知道Header和Body的大小. 所以只能都用Body来接收
    • 即发送方发的是Header+Body, 到接收方结构体中, Header为空, Body是原Header+Body
  • 使用了encoding/binary对字节序列进行"解释", 比如size就是按大端字节序解析的.
  • 发送的是net.Buffers, 是个二维byte [][]byte, 本质上是scatter的指针数组, 不拷贝数据
  • 接收用的是sync.Pool的内存池化方式, 减小gc压力.
  • 对header和body不做假设, 也没有知识. 发送接收认为他们都是[]byte


func (p *conn) GetOption(n string) (interface{}, error) {
    switch n {
    case mangos.OptionMaxRecvSize:
        return p.maxrx, nil
    if v, ok := p.options[n]; ok {
        return v, nil
    return nil, mangos.ErrBadProperty

func (p *conn) SetOption(n string, v interface{}) {
    switch n {
    case mangos.OptionMaxRecvSize:
        p.maxrx = v.(int)
    p.options[n] = v


// connHeader is exchanged during the initial handshake.
type connHeader struct {
    Zero     byte // must be zero
    S        byte // 'S'
    P        byte // 'P'
    Version  byte // only zero at present
    Proto    uint16
    Reserved uint16 // always zero at present



// handshake establishes an SP connection between peers.  Both sides must
// send the header, then both sides must wait for the peer's header.
// As a side effect, the peer's protocol number is stored in the conn.
// Also, various properties are initialized.
func (p *conn) handshake() error {
    var err error

    h := connHeader{S: 'S', P: 'P', Proto: p.proto.Self}
    //这里的binary.Write就是直接对底层conn p.c 做send操作.
    if err = binary.Write(p.c, binary.BigEndian, &h); err != nil {
        return err

    if err = binary.Read(p.c, binary.BigEndian, &h); err != nil {
        _ = p.c.Close()
        return err
    if h.Zero != 0 || h.S != 'S' || h.P != 'P' || h.Reserved != 0 {
        _ = p.c.Close()
        return mangos.ErrBadHeader
    // The only version number we support at present is "0", at offset 3.
    if h.Version != 0 {
        _ = p.c.Close()
        return mangos.ErrBadVersion

    // The protocol number lives as 16-bits (big-endian) at offset 4.
    if h.Proto != p.proto.Peer {
        _ = p.c.Close()
        return mangos.ErrBadProto
    p.open = true
    return nil


上面是同步的握手函数, 是具体实现. 同步的接口可以被异步框架异步化, 来满足handshaker的要求 基本上, 握手是底层建立连接后要做的第一件事. 下面是conn.go提供的异步包装框架, 是承上(transport/handshaker.go要求的后台握手)启下(各个transport类型实现的handshake)

type connHandshakerPipe interface {
    handshake() error //被包装的对象要实现handshake函数
    Pipe //和send recv等tranpipe接口, 这个接口是对所有transport类型的统一抽象.

type connHandshakerItem struct {
    c connHandshakerPipe
    e error
type connHandshaker struct {
    workq  map[connHandshakerPipe]bool //interface可以当map的key
    doneq  []*connHandshakerItem //注意这里, handshaker是个汇聚者, 这里包括了listen后accept的所有conn(被包装为connHandshakerPipe)
    closed bool
    cv     *sync.Cond

先看start: 一个connHandshaker可以和多个pipe后台握手, 每个pipe都启动一个go routine; 一个pipe代表了一个conn

func (h *connHandshaker) Start(p Pipe) {
    // If the following type assertion fails, then its a software bug.
    conn := p.(connHandshakerPipe)
    h.workq[conn] = true //标记这个conn正在握手中
    go h.worker(conn)

func (h *connHandshaker) worker(conn connHandshakerPipe) {
    item := &connHandshakerItem{c: conn}
    item.e = conn.handshake() //这里直接调用同步版本的handshake函数. 此时必然已经建立连接, 否则也不会有conn对象.
    defer h.Unlock()

    delete(h.workq, conn)

    if item.e != nil {
        _ = item.c.Close()
        item.c = nil
    } else if h.closed {
        item.e = mangos.ErrClosed
        _ = item.c.Close()

    h.doneq = append(h.doneq, item)
    h.cv.Broadcast() //广播会唤醒所有等待的goroutine, 但实际上wait路径上有锁, 结果是只能有一个routine在cv上wait. 其他人在锁上wait.


func (h *connHandshaker) Wait() (Pipe, error) {
    defer h.Unlock()
    for len(h.doneq) == 0 && !h.closed {
        h.cv.Wait() //持有锁的wait
    if h.closed {
        return nil, mangos.ErrClosed
    item := h.doneq[0] //按完成顺序取
    h.doneq = h.doneq[1:] //整个过程被锁保护
    return item.c, item.e


func (h *connHandshaker) Close() {
    h.closed = true
    for conn := range h.workq {
        _ = conn.Close()
    for len(h.doneq) != 0 {
        item := h.doneq[0]
        h.doneq = h.doneq[1:]
        if item.c != nil {
            _ = item.c.Close()

2.2.4. transport/tcp/tcp.go

tcp实现了Scheme NewDialer NewListener方法, 满足了transport接口.

type tcpTran int

func (t tcpTran) Scheme() string {
    return "tcp"

有意思的是, tcpTran只是个int类型的重命名. 在init里, 注册这个tcpTran类型

const (
    // Transport is a transport.Transport for TCP.
    Transport = tcpTran(0)

//本质上是注册接口类型: transports[t.Scheme()] = t
func init() {


这两个接口类似工厂类, 其产品transport.Dialer和transport.Listener才是重点.

func (t tcpTran) NewDialer(addr string, sock mangos.Socket) (transport.Dialer, error) {
    var err error
    if addr, err = transport.StripScheme(t, addr); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // check to ensure the provided addr resolves correctly.
    if _, err = transport.ResolveTCPAddr(addr); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    d := &dialer{ //返回重点, 就是这个dialer
        addr:  addr,
        proto: sock.Info(), //这里transport也关心应用socket类型了?
        hs:    transport.NewConnHandshaker(), //handshake是应用侧socket交换信息的开始

    return d, nil

func (t tcpTran) NewListener(addr string, sock mangos.Socket) (transport.Listener, error) {
    var err error
    l := &listener{ //返回重点, 就是这个listener
        proto:  sock.Info(),
        closeq: make(chan struct{}),

    if addr, err = transport.StripScheme(t, addr); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    l.addr = addr

    l.handshaker = transport.NewConnHandshaker()
    return l, nil


dialer要实现Dial GetOption和SetOption接口

type dialer struct {
    addr        string
    proto       transport.ProtocolInfo
    hs          transport.Handshaker
    maxRecvSize int
    d           net.Dialer
    lock        sync.Mutex

func (d *dialer) Dial() (_ transport.Pipe, err error) {
    conn, err := d.d.Dial("tcp", d.addr) // 先dail得到conn, 也就是pipe
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    p := transport.NewConnPipe(conn, d.proto) //包装已有的conn得到connPipe, stream方式的Conn都可以用它来实现transport. 但为什么这里要知道proto? proto是应用侧socket的类型, 包括自己和对端.
    p.SetOption(mangos.OptionMaxRecvSize, d.maxRecvSize) //似乎默认maxRecvSize为0
    d.hs.Start(p) //里面会断言p是connHandshakerPipe, 因为NewConnPipe()返回的p, 实现了handshake()函数. 注意这里的handshake()函数是小写开头, 外部不能直接调用. 但go编译器的类型系统还是会判定p实现了不对外的handshake()函数.
    return d.hs.Wait() //先start再wait, 这就是同步化了, 实际就像是调了p.handshake()函数. 但实际上handshake()是不对外的, 只能用异步再同步化操作.

注: 这里把接口的隐含属性用的出神入化. p是个interface, 把p传入给d.hs.Start(p)时, p的方法集变成了TranPipe接口的方法集; 在transport/conn.go里的start实现中, 断言入参TranPipe是conn := p.(connHandshakerPipe) 因为p是transport/conn.go里NewConnPipe()函数返回的, 保证能被同一个文件里的start函数断言成功. 而且其签名函数handshake()可以小写. 这些都是内部的事情.


listener要复杂点, 要实现Accept Listen Address Close和Set/Get Option的方法

type listener struct {
    addr        string
    bound       net.Addr
    proto       transport.ProtocolInfo
    l           net.Listener
    lc          net.ListenConfig
    maxRecvSize int
    handshaker  transport.Handshaker
    closeq      chan struct{}
    once        sync.Once
    lock        sync.Mutex

Accept()一般紧跟着Listen()之后, 等待并返回协商成功的pipe

func (l *listener) Accept() (transport.Pipe, error) {

    if l.l == nil {
        return nil, mangos.ErrClosed
    return l.handshaker.Wait()


func (l *listener) Listen() (err error) {
    select {
    case <-l.closeq:
        return mangos.ErrClosed //如果之前这个listener被close()过, 就不能再listen了.
    l.l, err = l.lc.Listen(context.Background(), "tcp", l.addr)
    if err != nil {
    l.bound = l.l.Addr()
    go func() {
        for {
            conn, err := l.l.Accept()
            if err != nil {
                select {
                case <-l.closeq:
                    // We probably should be checking
                    // if this is a temporary error.
                    // If we run out of files we will
                    // spin hard here.
            p := transport.NewConnPipe(conn, l.proto) //stream式的conn都被包装成一个connPipe, connPipe定义了默认的分包规则和握手协议.
            p.SetOption(mangos.OptionMaxRecvSize, l.maxRecvSize) //maxRecvSize设置改变后, 影响以后的conn
            l.handshaker.Start(p) //注意这里, listen的结果只有在这里有所体现, 和l联系在一起. 会在socket.Accept()用户侧api中wait并返回transport.Pipe


address返回全称, 比如tcp:// close先用close channel的方式改变listener的状态, 这样其他例程可以安全的检查listener是否已经被close掉了. -- 似乎比bool的方式先进些? close的意思是停止listen和accept, 但之前已经建立的连接不受影响.

func (l *listener) Address() string {
    if b := l.bound; b != nil {
        return "tcp://" + b.String()
    return "tcp://" + l.addr

func (l *listener) Close() error {
    l.once.Do(func() {
        if l.l != nil {
            _ = l.l.Close()
    return nil

Set和Get Option

和dialer类似, 有

  • OptionMaxRecvSize
  • OptionKeepAliveTime


tcp是stream方式的transport, 底层使用net标准库的方法, 最主要的是把net.Conn包装成了connPipe, 后者是mangos的统一化的流式pipe的实现, 有最简单的根据header+body的size定界方法, 和协议握手的方法. 可以说, tcp使用了connPipe的"helper"方法, 实现了流式transport, 满足了transport的所有接口要求. 需要注意的是, mangos做为nanomsg的纯go版本实现, 并没有follow其前身zeroMQ对报文格式的规定, 即分frame的规定. -- 有待确认.

2.2.5. transport小节

  • transport是知道顶层socket信息的, 因为transport先于protocol动作, 比如在client dial的时候, 就要握手交换protocol的信息做验证. server listen的时候也如是.

2.2.6. transport/inproc/inproc.go

前面我们知道, transport首先要实现NewDialer, NewListener, 后续要实现Dial和Listen方法, 最后一层要实现Send和Recv. 注意Send和Recv都是规定好的m *mangos.Message -- 为什么不规定个interface来做msg抽象?


var listeners struct {
    // Who is listening, on which "address"?
    byAddr map[string]*listener //记录了全局的名字
    cv     sync.Cond
    mx     sync.Mutex


NewListener就不看了, 就是返回一个带Listen功能和Accept功能的对象. Listen很简单, 如果要Listen的名字没有人用, 表示可以listen, 就记录到全局表中.

func (l *listener) Listen() error {
    if l.closed {
        return mangos.ErrClosed
    if _, ok := listeners.byAddr[l.addr]; ok {
        return mangos.ErrAddrInUse

    l.active = true
    listeners.byAddr[l.addr] = l
    listeners.cv.Broadcast() //这里要广播给谁呢?
    return nil



func (l *listener) Accept() (mangos.TranPipe, error) {
    server := &inproc{
        selfProto: l.selfProto,
        peerProto: l.peerProto,
        addr:      addr(l.addr),
    server.readyq = make(chan struct{})
    server.closeq = make(chan struct{})

    if !l.active || l.closed {
        return nil, mangos.ErrClosed
    l.accepters = append(l.accepters, server) //这里这么早就add了, 不好吧? 要不放到case里 -- 根据下文逻辑, 一定要先在l.accepters里有server

    select {
    case <-server.readyq: //等着有人写readq, 说明就有个新连接; 核心层会在for里调用这里的Accept
        return server, nil
    case <-server.closeq:
        return nil, mangos.ErrClosed


func (d *dialer) Dial() (transport.Pipe, error) {

    var server *inproc
    client := &inproc{
        selfProto: d.selfProto,
        peerProto: d.peerProto,
        addr:      addr(d.addr), //client也直接用dial的addr, 不合适吧?
    client.readyq = make(chan struct{})
    client.closeq = make(chan struct{})


    // NB: No timeouts here!
    for {
        var l *listener
        var ok bool
        if l, ok = listeners.byAddr[d.addr]; !ok || l == nil { //一定要先有listenr才能Dial, 不支持先有client, 再有server. -- 其实没必要
            return nil, mangos.ErrConnRefused

        if (client.selfProto != l.peerProto) || //这是个简单的协商机制
            (client.peerProto != l.selfProto) {
            return nil, mangos.ErrBadProto

        if len(l.accepters) != 0 {
            server = l.accepters[len(l.accepters)-1] //取最后一个server
            l.accepters = l.accepters[:len(l.accepters)-1]



    server.wq = make(chan *transport.Message) //才建立server的通道, 注意都是unbuffer类型的
    server.rq = make(chan *transport.Message)
    client.rq = server.wq //client和server共用一个channel, 只是方向不一样
    client.wq = server.rq
    server.peer = client
    client.peer = server

    return client, nil


func (p *inproc) Send(m *mangos.Message) error {

    // Upper protocols expect to have to pick header and body part.
    // Also we need to have a fresh copy of the message for receiver, to
    // break ownership.
    nmsg := mangos.NewMessage(len(m.Header) + len(m.Body))
    nmsg.Body = append(nmsg.Body, m.Header...)
    nmsg.Body = append(nmsg.Body, m.Body...) //复制报文, 但是不free?
    select {
    case p.wq <- nmsg: //就是把拷贝后的msg放到channel里
        return nil
    case <-p.closeq:
        return mangos.ErrClosed
    case <-p.peer.closeq:
        return mangos.ErrClosed
func (p *inproc) Recv() (*transport.Message, error) {

    select {
    case m := <-p.rq: //接收的时候不复制msg
        return m, nil
    case <-p.closeq:
        return nil, mangos.ErrClosed
    case <-p.peer.closeq:
        return nil, mangos.ErrClosed


  • server和client都是*inproc类型
  • Send msg是拷贝式的.
  • 基于名字查找和共享channel的消息传递, 开销比较小.

2.2.7. transport/ipc

2.3. internal/core

2.3.1. internal/core/socket.go


transport提供了GetTransport()函数从全局map表var transports = map[string]Transport{}中获取已经注册的transport工厂对象, 该对象的NewDialer和NewListener方法会新建连接. 而这里internal core里面, 就调用了GetTransport(), 根据传入的string, 返回mangos.Dialer. 注意这个Dialer已经不是transport的Dialer了.

func (s *socket) NewDialer(addr string, options map[string]interface{}) (mangos.Dialer, error) {
    t := s.getTransport(addr)
    td, err := t.NewDialer(addr, s) //调用transport层的NewDialer
    d := &dialer{
        d:             td,
        s:             s,    //很重要, dialer保持了这个socket的信息
        reconnMinTime: s.reconnMinTime,
        reconnMaxTime: s.reconnMaxTime,
        asynch:        s.dialAsynch,
        addr:          addr,
    for n, v := range options {
        d.SetOption(n, v)
        或td.SetOption(n, v)
    s.dialers = append(s.dialers, d) //把刚才New的dialer关联到socket; socket可以有多个dialer
    return d, nil

上面的NewDialer就是顶层API func (s *socket) Dial(addr string) errorfunc (s *socket) DialOptions(addr string, opts map[string]interface{}) error调用下来的.

func (s *socket) Dial(addr string) error
    s.DialOptions(addr, nil)
        d, err := s.NewDialer(addr, opts)
        return d.Dial() //注意这里并不是transport的Dial, 而是应用侧的dial; 应用侧的dial签名不同, 它没有返回conn


socket.ListenOptions 或socket.Listen
    l := socket.NewListener()
    l.Listen() //注意这里开始Listen, 这也是应用侧的listen, 只返回error

后面会看到, 应用侧Dial和Listen后, conn的信息是通过socket的addPipe方法来保存的.


在core看起来, socket持有多个listener, 多个dialer, 以及真正的conn(也就是这里的pipeList).

// socket is the meaty part of the core information.
type socket struct {
    proto mangos.ProtocolBase


    closed        bool          // true if Socket was closed at API level
    reconnMinTime time.Duration // reconnect time after error or disconnect
    reconnMaxTime time.Duration // max reconnect interval
    maxRxSize     int           // max recv size
    dialAsynch    bool          // asynchronous dialing?

    listeners []*listener
    dialers   []*dialer
    pipes     pipeList //定义于pipe.go
    pipehook  mangos.PipeEventHook //提供给app层的hook函数入口

最后一个hook再详细看一下: 在socket的pipe中枢系统发生变化时, 调用这个hook.

const (
    // PipeEventAttaching is called before the Pipe is registered with the
    // socket.  The intention is to permit the application to reject
    // a pipe before it is attached.
    PipeEventAttaching = iota

    // PipeEventAttached occurs after the Pipe is attached.
    // Consequently, it is possible to use the Pipe for delivering
    // events to sockets, etc.

    // PipeEventDetached occurs after the Pipe has been detached
    // from the socket.

换算成y的说法就是. onConnect, onDisconnect.

核心动作: addPipe

// AddPipe is called when a new Pipe is added to the socket. // Typically this is as a result of connect or accept completing. // The pipe ID will be unique for the socket at this time. // The implementation must not call back into the socket, but it // may reject the pipe by returning a non-nil result. 就是说每当有连接的时候, 就会addPipe

func (s *socket) addPipe(tp transport.Pipe, d *dialer, l *listener) 
    p := newPipe(tp, s, d, l)
    ph(mangos.PipeEventAttaching, p) //调用hook
    s.proto.AddPipe(p) //这个pipe也会被add到ProtocolBase
    ph(mangos.PipeEventAttached, p) //调用hook

注意这里的这句代码有学问: s.proto.AddPipe(p)

  • p是个*core.pipe类型, 本身是小写的, 不能直接被外部使用. 但这里调用protocol的接口函数: AddPipe(p), 把p当作ProtocolPipe来看, 就把pipe的"能力"输出了.
  • 这里的s.proto是mangos.ProtocolBase, 实际上是每个protocol的实现者的socket对象. 比如req.socket
  • 要输出能力, 不一定要自己声明; 调用别人的接口, 把自己包装出去也可以.


socket的重头戏, 这是核心层的对用户层API的具体实现的地方:

func (s *socket) SendMsg(msg *Message) error {
    return s.proto.SendMsg(msg) //不要困惑 这里还没到transport. 这里的send需要protocol来决定发送给谁, 怎么发. 所以要用s.proto对象来send.

func (s *socket) Send(b []byte) error {
    msg := mangos.NewMessage(len(b))
    msg.Body = append(msg.Body, b...) //这里打散再拼接性能会不会有问题? 不用个bytes.Buffer啥的? 看这里的情况是拷贝发送. 这里https://gist.github.com/xogeny/b819af6a0cf8ba1caaef似乎是说copy和append性能差不多
    return s.SendMsg(msg)

func (s *socket) RecvMsg() (*Message, error) {
    return s.proto.RecvMsg()

func (s *socket) Recv() ([]byte, error) {
    msg, err := s.RecvMsg()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    b := make([]byte, 0, len(msg.Body)) //返回新buffer而不是transport侧底层的buffer; 而且是去了头的; 而且这个buffer是直接make出来的, 不是用的pool的buffer.
    b = append(b, msg.Body...)
    msg.Free() //注意这里的Free是返还给pool
    return b, nil

2.3.2. internal/core/pipe.go


  • pipe.go.Pipe接口, 暂时不知道哪里用了

    // Pipe represents the high level interface to a low level communications
    // channel.  There is one of these associated with a given TCP connection,
    // for example.  This interface is intended for application use.
    // Note that applications cannot send or receive data on a Pipe directly.
    type Pipe interface {
      // ID returns the numeric ID for this Pipe.  This will be a
      // 31 bit (bit 32 is clear) value for the Pipe, which is unique
      // across all other Pipe instances in the application, while
      // this Pipe exists.  (IDs are recycled on Close, but only after
      // all other Pipe values are used.)
      ID() uint32
      // Address returns the address (URL form) associated with the Pipe.
      // This matches the string passed to Dial() or Listen().
      Address() string
      // GetOption returns an arbitrary option.  The details will vary
      // for different transport types.
      GetOption(name string) (interface{}, error)
      // Listener returns the Listener for this Pipe, or nil if none.
      Listener() Listener
      // Dialer returns the Dialer for this Pipe, or nil if none.
      Dialer() Dialer
      // Close closes the Pipe.  This does a disconnect, or something similar.
      // Note that if a dialer is present and active, it will redial.
      Close() error
  • protocol.go.ProtocolPipe接口, 这个接口被protocol的实现者使用. 具体来讲, 在protocol的实现实例的AddPipe()被调用的时候, ProtocolPipe这个接口会被传入.

    // ProtocolPipe represents the handle that a Protocol implementation has
    // to the underlying stream transport.  It can be thought of as one side
    // of a TCP, IPC, or other type of connection.
    type ProtocolPipe interface {
      // ID returns a unique 31-bit value associated with this.
      // The value is unique for a given socket, at a given time.
      ID() uint32
      // Close does what you think.
      Close() error
      // SendMsg sends a message.  On success it returns nil. This is a
      // blocking call.
      SendMsg(*Message) error
      // RecvMsg receives a message.  It blocks until the message is
      // received.  On error, the pipe is closed and nil is returned.
      RecvMsg() *Message
      // SetPrivate is used to set protocol private data.
      // GetPrivate returns the previously stored protocol private data.
      GetPrivate() interface{}


在core看起来, pipe的信息很丰富: 它毫无疑问的持有底层transport的pipe对象, 同时它还知道这个pipe的listender和dialer, 即知道对端和自己的信息. 它还持有socket对象, 知道app层的想法.
总结: pipe是个中枢.

// pipe wraps the Pipe data structure with the stuff we need to keep
// for the core.  It implements the Pipe interface.
type pipe struct {
    id        uint32
    p         transport.Pipe
    l         *listener
    d         *dialer
    s         *socket
    closeOnce sync.Once
    data      interface{} // Protocol private
    added     bool
    closing   bool
    lock      sync.Mutex // held across calls to remPipe and addPipe


pipeList是个map, 保存了所有的pipe实例, 每个pipe实例有个独特的uint32 ID

type pipeList struct {
    pipes map[uint32]*pipe
    lock  sync.Mutex


socket中调用addPipe会新生成一个uint32 ID, 从随机数开始, 全局唯一. 原理是在全局表map[uint32]struct{}中, 依次找个没被使用的ID. 是的, ID被使用完了还会还到这个map里. 真正的add是调用Add把p按照p.id

func (l *pipeList) Add(p *pipe) {
    if l.pipes == nil {
        l.pipes = make(map[uint32]*pipe)
    l.pipes[p.id] = p


pipe是原始conn的封装, 所以send recv都是直接调用底层transport的接口; 所以到这里就不是应用侧的发送接收了.

func (p *pipe) SendMsg(msg *mangos.Message) error {

    if err := p.p.Send(msg); err != nil {
        _ = p.Close()
        return err
    return nil

func (p *pipe) RecvMsg() *mangos.Message {

    msg, err := p.p.Recv()
    if err != nil {
        _ = p.Close() //API定义的很明白, 如果底层Recv返回错误, 就close掉这个pipe
        return nil
    msg.Pipe = p //这里值得注意, 从msg里能够拿到pipe的信息, 进而能拿到所有信息. 但不保证到msg的处理的时候, pipe还在.
    return msg


而且在close中, 会彻底关闭transport层的连接

func (p *pipe) Close() error {
    p.closeOnce.Do(func() {
        // Close the underlying transport pipe first.
        _ = p.p.Close()

        // Deregister it from the socket.  This will also arrange
        // for asynchronously running the event callback, and
        // releasing the pipe ID for reuse.
        p.closing = true
        if p.added {

        if p.d != nil {
            // Inform the dialer so that it will redial.
            go p.d.pipeClosed() //这里值得关注, 里面会延迟调用redial函数重新建立连接, redial会不断重试.
    return nil

所以回答上面的问题, 发送或者接收失败都会close掉连接. 但close的流程最后启动了redial流程.
也就是说, 比如发送失败的情况下, mangos并不是直接重新再send一次, 而是把整个连接都关掉, 再重新建立新连接来重发.

携带额外数据的典型模式: SetPrivate


func (p *pipe) SetPrivate(i interface{}) {
    p.data = i

func (p *pipe) GetPrivate() interface{} {
    return p.data

2.3.3. internal/core/dialer.go

在socket.go里, NewDialer就是new的下面的dialer

type dialer struct {
    d             transport.Dialer
    s             *socket
    addr          string
    closed        bool
    active        bool
    asynch        bool
    redialer      *time.Timer
    reconnTime    time.Duration
    reconnMinTime time.Duration
    reconnMaxTime time.Duration
    closeq        chan struct{}


func (d *dialer) Dial() error {
    if d.active {
        return mangos.ErrAddrInUse
    if d.closed {
        return mangos.ErrClosed
    d.closeq = make(chan struct{})
    d.active = true
    d.reconnTime = d.reconnMinTime
    if d.asynch {
        go d.redial()
        return nil
    return d.dial(false) //就是下面的dial函数

func (d *dialer) dial(redial bool) error {
    if d.closed {
        return errors.ErrClosed
    if d.asynch {
        redial = true

    p, err := d.d.Dial()
    if err == nil {
        d.s.addPipe(p, d, nil) //dial成功了就addPipe到socket
        return nil

    //到这里就是不成功, 需要重试
    defer d.Unlock()

    // We're no longer dialing, so let another reschedule happen, if
    // appropriate.   This is quite possibly paranoia.  We should only
    // be in this routine in the following circumstances:
    // 1. Initial dialing (via Dial())
    // 2. After a previously created pipe fails and is closed due to error.
    // 3. After timing out from a failed connection attempt.

    if !redial {
        return err
    switch err {
    case mangos.ErrClosed: //对端不给连
        // Stop redialing, no further action.

    default: //缓启动逻辑
        // Exponential backoff, and jitter.  Our backoff grows at
        // about 1.3x on average, so we don't penalize a failed
        // connection too badly.
        minfact := float64(1.1)
        maxfact := float64(1.5)
        actfact := rand.Float64()*(maxfact-minfact) + minfact
        rtime := d.reconnTime
        if d.reconnMaxTime != 0 {
            d.reconnTime = time.Duration(actfact * float64(d.reconnTime))
            if d.reconnTime > d.reconnMaxTime {
                d.reconnTime = d.reconnMaxTime
        d.redialer = time.AfterFunc(rtime, d.redial) //AfterFunc会启动一个goroutine来延迟执行d.redial; 这里还用了经典的 方法转函数的编译器黑科技
    return err

func (d *dialer) redial() {
    _ = d.dial(true)

总的来说, dialer实现了对底层transport的dail, 支持后台redial, 支持dail失败重试(不是马上, 而是带缓启动的重试); 支持多种option:

  • OptionReconnectTime
  • OptionMaxReconnectTime
  • OptionDialAsynch

2.3.4. internal/core/listener.go


type listener struct {
    l      transport.Listener
    s      *socket
    addr   string
    closed bool
    active bool

Listen先查看状态, 再调用transport的Listen.

func (l *listener) Listen() error {
    // This function sets up a goroutine to accept inbound connections.
    // The accepted connection will be added to a list of accepted
    // connections.  The Listener just needs to listen continuously,
    // as we assume that we want to continue to receive inbound
    // connections without limit.

    if l.closed {
        return mangos.ErrClosed
    if l.active {
        return mangos.ErrAddrInUse
    l.active = true
    if err := l.l.Listen(); err != nil {
        l.active = false
        return err

    go l.serve() //serve()函数才是不断的在循环里Accept连接的主体
    return nil


// serve spins in a loop, calling the accepter's Accept routine.
func (l *listener) serve() {
    for {
        if l.closed {

        // If the underlying PipeListener is closed, or not
        // listening, we expect to return back with an error.
        if tp, err := l.l.Accept(); err == mangos.ErrClosed {
        } else if err == nil {
            l.s.addPipe(tp, nil, l) //把握手后的tranPipe加入socket.
        } else {
            // Debounce a little bit, to avoid thrashing the CPU.
            time.Sleep(time.Second / 100)

2.3.5. 总结

core的核心是pipe. 它承上启下

  • 上面的socket负责符合app的想象, socket的send和recv都要按照protocol的套路来整, 比如多播啥的
  • 下面的dialer和listener对下对接transport的dialer和listener, 提供了额外的重试连接, 后台连接, routine化accpet等功能.
  • dialer和listener成功返回的连接, 被包装成pipe, add到socket里. 核心是 func (s *socket) addPipe(tp transport.Pipe, d *dialer, l *listener)
    • 对dialer来说, 会这样调用d.s.addPipe(p, d, nil)
    • 对listener来说, 会这样调用l.s.addPipe(tp, nil, l)
    • 最终都是add到socket的pipes中, 这是个按ID索引的pipe表 map[uint32]*pipe

2.4. protocol

protocol是高于socket层的抽象, 是socket的场景化模式的归纳, 继承自zeroMQ. 目前支持

  • bus
  • pair
  • pub/sub
  • pull/push
  • req/rep
  • star
  • 以及以上带x版本的.

下面从最基本的req/rep开始, 看看protocol怎么实现的

2.4.1. protocol/req/req.go

每个protocol都有统一的协议编号, req/rep的大协议号一样, 后四位小协议号不同

// Protocol identity information.
const (
    Self     = protocol.ProtoReq //48
    Peer     = protocol.ProtoRep //49
    SelfName = "req"
    PeerName = "rep"

req.go只依赖protocol包, 它对core包是无感知的.所以虽然core.pipe是唯一的mangos.ProtocolPipe实现者, 但core.pipe也是小写, 而且req.go也不引用core, 那怎么实例化mangos.ProtocolPipe的?



type socket struct {
    defCtx  *context              // default context
    ctxs    map[*context]struct{} // all contexts (set)
    ctxByID map[uint32]*context   // contexts by request ID
    nextID  uint32                // next request ID
    closed  bool                  // true if we are closed
    sendq   []*context            // contexts waiting to send
    readyq  []*pipe               // pipes available for sending


type pipe struct {
    p      protocol.Pipe
    s      *socket //反向持有socket
    closed bool

type context struct {
    s          *socket //反向持有socket
    cond       *sync.Cond
    resendTime time.Duration     // tunable resend time
    sendExpire time.Duration     // how long to wait in send
    recvExpire time.Duration     // how long to wait in recv
    sendTimer  *time.Timer       // send timer
    recvTimer  *time.Timer       // recv timer
    resender   *time.Timer       // resend timeout
    reqMsg     *protocol.Message // message for transmit
    repMsg     *protocol.Message // received reply
    sendMsg    *protocol.Message // messaging waiting for send
    lastPipe   *pipe             // last pipe used for transmit
    reqID      uint32            // request ID
    recvWait   bool              // true if a thread is blocked in RecvMsg
    bestEffort bool              // if true, don't block waiting in send
    queued     bool              // true if we need to send a message
    closed     bool              // true if we are closed


因为socket的SendMsg, RecvMsg都依赖context发送

func (s *socket) SendMsg(m *protocol.Message) error {
    return s.defCtx.SendMsg(m)


最顶层是context send

func (c *context) SendMsg(m *protocol.Message) error {
    s := c.s
    id := atomic.AddUint32(&s.nextID, 1)
    id |= 0x80000000

    // cooked mode, we stash the header
    m.Header = append([]byte{}, //按照大端字节序发id
        byte(id>>24), byte(id>>16), byte(id>>8), byte(id))

    s.Lock() //每个context只能同时发送一个msg
    defer s.Unlock()
    if s.closed || c.closed {
        return protocol.ErrClosed

    //上一次还没发送出去, 哪里有问题了...
    //因为req/rep是同步模式, 取消上次的发送: 上次的msg会被free掉, 延迟的timer被stop; 并把这个context从socket的sendq里面删掉: s.sendq = append(s.sendq[:i], s.sendq[i+1:]...); 最后广播c.cond.Broadcast()
    c.cancel() // this cancels any pending send or recv calls
    c.unscheduleSend() //似乎这个函数多余了, 在c.cancel()中调用过了

    c.reqID = id
    c.queued = true
    c.sendMsg = m

    s.sendq = append(s.sendq, c) //本次的context加入socket的sendq

    if c.bestEffort {
        // for best effort case, we just immediately go the
        // reqMsg, and schedule it as a send.  No waiting.
        // This means that if the message cannot be delivered
        // immediately, it will still get a chance later.
        s.send() //没看懂上面的注释, 但这里明显是调用socket的原始send, 不管错误马上返回
        return nil //这里返回了, 那上面sendq怎么办? 不删掉吗?

    expired := false
    if c.sendExpire > 0 {
        c.sendTimer = time.AfterFunc(c.sendExpire, func() { //超时就取消的函数
            if c.sendMsg == m {
                expired = true
                c.cancel() // also does a wake up

    s.send() //触发后台send

    // This sleeps until someone picks us up for scheduling.
    // It is responsible for providing the blocking semantic and
    // ultimately back-pressure.  Note that we will "continue" if
    // the send is canceled by a subsequent send.
    for c.sendMsg == m && !expired && !c.closed {
        c.cond.Wait() //典型的场景是上面的s.send把c.sendMsg置为nil, 解除这里的for循环, 退出wait往下走. 但如果readyq中没有可用的pipe, 就是说没有有效的连接, SendMsg会block在这里, 直到有可用的连接为止.
    if c.sendMsg == m { //到这里, 要么就是超时了, 要么就是close了;这个m现在是发不了了
        c.unscheduleSend() //删除m对应的context
        c.sendMsg = nil //就是说这个m不发了
        c.reqID = 0
        if c.closed {
            return protocol.ErrClosed
        return protocol.ErrSendTimeout //返回错误, m并没有发送.
    return nil

context send里面调用了socket send 注意这里的send没有任何参数和返回值: 需要知道的已经全部知道, 它要做的就是调度发送.

func (s *socket) send() {
    for len(s.sendq) != 0 && len(s.readyq) != 0 { //有待发送的context 并且有ready的pipe
        c := s.sendq[0] //取出第一个待发context
        s.sendq = s.sendq[1:]
        c.queued = false

        var m *protocol.Message
        if m = c.sendMsg; m != nil { //从sendMsg转移到reqMsg
            c.reqMsg = m
            c.sendMsg = nil
            s.ctxByID[c.reqID] = c //按ID记录context
        } else {
            m = c.reqMsg
        m.Clone()    //增加msg的引用计数, 该msg是共享模式.

        p := s.readyq[0] //取第一个ready 的pipe
        s.readyq = s.readyq[1:]

        // Schedule a retransmit for the future.
        c.lastPipe = p //ready的pipe保存到lastPipe里
        if c.resendTime > 0 {
            id := c.reqID
            c.resender = time.AfterFunc(c.resendTime, func() { //默认一分钟重发
        go p.sendCtx(c, m) //后台发送, 注意go了以后, 就脱离了锁的保护了

sendCtx()会调用底层的pipe来发送, 一般发送完还会调度自己继续发送.

func (p *pipe) sendCtx(c *context, m *protocol.Message) {
    s := p.s

    // Send this message.  If an error occurs, we examine the
    // error.  If it is ErrClosed, we don't schedule our self.
    if err := p.p.SendMsg(m); err != nil {
        if err == protocol.ErrClosed {
    s.Lock() //重新调度发送还是需要获取锁.
    if !s.closed && !p.closed {
        s.readyq = append(s.readyq, p)
        s.send() //重新调度


  • req/rep本质上是同步模式, 其实并没有同时发送的说法
  • 但即使是简单的同步发送, 这里也要走三步:
    • 第一步, 要send的message会和context来结合, 被放到socket的sendq中等待发送
    • 第二步, 调用socket.send()来触发调度. 所谓调度就是从sendq取context, 从readyq取pipe
    • 第三步, 用选定的pipe来发送这个context中的msg. 每个待发送的context都会在独立的goroutine中发送. 在本步骤会触发接下来的调度send, 即第二三步是反复互相调用的, 直到所有待发的msg都发送完成.
  • 综上, 这里的设计是典型的同步异步化, 再同步化的过程. 同步异步化实际上是先缓存(指针)再调度的模式, 为的是快速从发送返回; 再次同步化是为了模式简单?
  • SendMsg一般情况下会快速返回, 但在后台发送
  • 发送失败会重传


看了send, 我们再回过头来从最开始的NewSocket看起.NewSocket是对上的顶层API 在实现上, req用了core的MakeSocket接口, 传入一个req.socket实例当作protocolBase

// NewSocket allocates a new Socket using the REQ protocol.
func NewSocket() (protocol.Socket, error) {
    return protocol.MakeSocket(NewProtocol()), nil

// NewProtocol allocates a new protocol implementation.
func NewProtocol() protocol.Protocol {
    s := &socket{
        nextID:  uint32(time.Now().UnixNano()), // quasi-random
        ctxs:    make(map[*context]struct{}),
        ctxByID: make(map[uint32]*context),
    s.defCtx = &context{
        s:          s,
        cond:       sync.NewCond(s), //NewCond需要传入一个locker, 而s匿名包含了sync.Mutex, 就是个locker
        resendTime: time.Minute,
    s.ctxs[s.defCtx] = struct{}{}
    return s


req.socket的AddPipe方法会被core.socket在顶层dial和listen的时候有新的conn产生时调用, 会把transport层的conn"通道"化, 保存在req.socket的readyq里. 对REQ类型的socket来说, 所谓的readyq就是所有对端能提供REP类型的socket.

func (s *socket) AddPipe(pp protocol.Pipe) error {
    p := &pipe{
        p: pp,
        s: s,
    defer s.Unlock()
    if s.closed {
        return protocol.ErrClosed
    s.readyq = append(s.readyq, p)
    s.send() //有新的rep连接了, 触发一次调度send
    go p.receiver() //后面会讲
    return nil


无论是send还是recv msg, 都要在context上下文中进行. 因为不同于linux概念上的socket只管"通道"; 这里的socket的概念是应用场景下的如何使用socket的抽象, 是有状态的, 必须在状态上下文中进行.

func (s *socket) SendMsg(m *protocol.Message) error {
    return s.defCtx.SendMsg(m)

func (s *socket) RecvMsg() (*protocol.Message, error) {
    return s.defCtx.RecvMsg()

ok, 从RecvMsg开始: RecvMsg是要看状态的, 而且这个函数并不是调用原始接口recv, 而是"等待"msg到位 -- 应该有个后台的routine一直在收包.

func (c *context) RecvMsg() (*protocol.Message, error) {
    s := c.s
    defer s.Unlock()
    if s.closed || c.closed {
        return nil, protocol.ErrClosed
    if c.recvWait || c.reqID == 0 {
        return nil, protocol.ErrProtoState
    c.recvWait = true
    id := c.reqID
    expired := false

    if c.recvExpire > 0 {
        c.recvTimer = time.AfterFunc(c.recvExpire, func() {
            if c.reqID == id {
                expired = true

    for id == c.reqID && c.repMsg == nil {
        c.cond.Wait() //在这里等待其他routine收包完成. 注意, cond.Wait会自动unlock s的mutex锁, 这是c.cond初始化时指明的. wait返回这个tmux锁会自动lock. 也就是说wait期间, s的mutex锁是开放的. 另外, go的mutex锁和routine没有关系, 可以在一个routine里lock, 但安排其他routine去unlock
    } //另外, cond.Wait是在for里循环的, 是有条件退出的. 即满足条件还是继续wait, 即使中间被唤醒过.

    m := c.repMsg
    c.reqID = 0
    c.repMsg = nil
    c.recvWait = false
    c.cond.Broadcast() //到这里是broadcast给谁呢?

    if m == nil {
        if expired {
            return nil, protocol.ErrRecvTimeout
        if c.closed {
            return nil, protocol.ErrClosed
        return nil, protocol.ErrCanceled
    return m, nil

注: context.RecvMsg是一处cond.Wait()点, 另外一个点发生在context.SendMsg. 这两个地方的wait()都是在条件循环里, 即使广播式的c.cond.Broadcast()也没关系. 不是自己想要的退出条件, 还是会继续wait.


前面提到, 当顶层比如dial()成功了之后, 系统会把一个pipe实例AddPipe()到protocol, 也就是add到这里. 这个add流程的最后, 会 go p.receiver() 也就是说一个握了手的连接, 都对应一个go routine, 来receive msg, 可以想象, 这个receiver一定是个for循环, 从底层收了msg之后来缓存到哪里.

func (p *pipe) receiver() {
    s := p.s
    for {
        m := p.p.RecvMsg() //从底层收完整的msg
        if m == nil { //m为nil的时候, 说明底层recv出现了错误, 系统会关闭错误连接, 启动redial流程新建连接. 
        if len(m.Body) < 4 {
        m.Header = append(m.Header, m.Body[:4]...) //m.Body的前4个字节肯定被REP当作特殊用处了...
        m.Body = m.Body[4:]

        id := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(m.Header) //还原发送时的ID

        // Since we just received a reply, stick our send at the
        // head of the list, since that's a good indication that
        // we're ready for another request.
        for i, rp := range s.readyq {
            if p == rp { //这个pipe可以收rep, 把它换到readyq的头. readyq的头负责发送
                s.readyq[0], s.readyq[i] = s.readyq[i], s.readyq[0]

        if c, ok := s.ctxByID[id]; ok { //按ID找到发送的context
            c.reqMsg.Free() //到这里已经接收到了REP, 肯定之前发送的REQ的msg就可以free了. 
            c.reqMsg = nil
            c.repMsg = m //收包就是收到c.repMsg中了.
            delete(s.ctxByID, id)
            if c.resender != nil {
                c.resender.Stop() //也不用resend了
                c.resender = nil
            c.cond.Broadcast() //RecvMsg函数里正在等着这个广播呢
        } else {
            // No matching receiver so just drop it.

    go p.Close()


每个成功握手协商的连接都会被add到protocol里, 被protocol知道. protocol会启动一个receiver routine, 这个receiver负责收包. 然后从headder还原发送时的ID, 查表得到当时的context. 然后把接收到的msg放到c.repMsg = m, 最后返回这个msg


从用户侧看来, req的使用很简单:

sock, err = req.NewSocket() //新建req的socket, 同时也新建了默认的context; 标准API的send recv都走默认的context
err = sock.Dial(url) //核心层会调用url代表的transport类型的Dial, 成功就AddPipe(); 失败会重试, 知道返回errClosed
msg, err = sock.Recv()
  • req.NewSocket()调用核心层的MakeSocket(REQ的接口实例)来创建socket. 特别的, 默认的最大rx size是1M
  • REQ的socket有
    • 默认的context
    • sendq 代表的要发送的context
    • readq 代表了所有可用的连接
    • nextID 用于给每个req分配一个唯一的ID, 这个ID用来反查ctxByID表得到context
  • req.socket.AddPipe()会被核心层框架在新连接建立成功后调用. 这里的AddPipe()启动了receiver routine来不断的收报文.
    • 每个新连接都会AddPipe(), 所以一个连接一个receiver routine
    • 从收到的报文的Header部分恢复request ID, 这个ID是发送的时候填的, 代表了一个req的唯一存在.
    • 用这个ID查到当时发送的context, 并给这个context的等待routine发广播唤醒
  • socket的接收必须结合context来接收, 默认使用default context来接收
    • context和具体的连接(pipe)没有绑定关系
    • RecvMsg()是用户行为, 没有msg的时候会阻塞. 某个连接的receiver routine收到报文后, 查到是这个context的报文, 其发送的广播唤醒会解除本RecvMsg路径上的wait.
    • RecvMsg()还负责唤醒本context上等待的SendMsg()
  • SendMsg也是要结合context, 默认也是默认的context来发送
    • 得到requestID, 和context一起记录到socket的sendq中
    • 真正的发送实际上有点像softirq, 是个触发点: 调用send()的时候, 实际上是trigger了一次后台发送序列, 该序列中会把所有之前的报文都发出去. 真正的"通道"级发送是每个报文都在后台发送go p.sendCtx(c, m); 在没有真正发送完成之前, 就"广播"到该context可以继续往下走了(见下一条), 每个待发的msg都"广播"一次.
    • 如果本context还是在发本msg, 或者没有超时, 就一直wait(一般这个条件不成立)
    • 综上, 发送是softirq式的触发一波异步发送(go p.sendCtx(c, m)), 但不用等真正的报文从"通道"socket发送完毕.
  • 用户侧发送和接收都有超时设定
  • 发送有重发机制, 默认1分钟重发. 但似乎性能很堪忧, 因为每个sendq里面的context, 在真正发送之前, 都无条件起一个1分钟定时器来重发. 就不能发送失败了再起定时器重发吗?

2.4.2. protocol/rep/rep.go


NewSocket的套路和REQ一样: 调用核心层protocol的函数MakeSocket, 传入自己的接口实现

// NewSocket allocates a new Socket using the REP protocol.
func NewSocket() (protocol.Socket, error) {
    return protocol.MakeSocket(NewProtocol()), nil


// NewProtocol allocates a protocol state for the REP protocol.
func NewProtocol() protocol.Protocol {
    s := &socket{
        ttl:      8, //默认最大支持8跳, 即中间有7个"router"存在
        contexts: make(map[*context]struct{}),
        recvQ:    make(chan recvQEntry), // unbuffered! 注释写的很清楚, 非缓冲的channel
        master: &context{
            closeQ: make(chan struct{}),
    s.master.s = s
    s.contexts[s.master] = struct{}{}
    return s


type socket struct {
    closed   bool
    ttl      int
    sendQLen int
    recvQ    chan recvQEntry //这个socket只有recvQ, 没有sendQ? 而且这个recvQ可以大约认为只有1个槽位.
    contexts map[*context]struct{}
    master   *context


在AddPipe()的时候, 同时起了sender routine和receiver routine. 这里的protocol.Pipe是对底层transport.Pipe的封装, 实现了核心层ProtocolPipe的接口要求.

func (s *socket) AddPipe(pp protocol.Pipe) error {
    p := &pipe{
        p:      pp,
        s:      s,
        sendQ:  make(chan *protocol.Message, s.sendQLen), //sendQlen是有Q size的
        closeQ: make(chan struct{}),
    pp.SetPrivate(p) //各种回调函数变身成了名正言顺的接口的使用
    if s.closed {
        return protocol.ErrClosed
    go p.sender() //每个连接一个sender
    go p.receiver() //每个连接一个receiver
    return nil

func (s *socket) RemovePipe(pp protocol.Pipe) {
    p := pp.GetPrivate().(*pipe) //这里对应了AddPipe的时候SetPrivate(存钱), 这里就来取钱了.


  • 这里的sendQLen默认为0; 但一般会调用SetOption()接口把protocol.OptionWriteQLen设为1, 需要手动设置.
protocol/rep/rep_test.go-101-   p := GetSocket(t, xreq.NewSocket)
protocol/rep/rep_test.go:102:   MustSucceed(t, s.SetOption(mangos.OptionWriteQLen, 1))
protocol/rep/rep_test.go-103-   MustSucceed(t, p.SetOption(mangos.OptionReadQLen, 1))


  • socket有recvQ
  • pipe有sendQ


从sendQ里面拿一个msg, 发送; 发送失败就关闭这个pipe.

func (p *pipe) sender() {
    for {
        select {
        case m := <-p.sendQ:
            if p.p.SendMsg(m) != nil {
        case <-p.closeQ:


从底层通道收包, 检查hops是否超过ttl 最后放到socket的recvQ中

func (p *pipe) receiver() {
    s := p.s
    for {
        m := p.p.RecvMsg() //从protocol pipe收msg, 其具体实现在core/pipe.go; 最终是transport层收包
        if m == nil {

        // Move backtrace from body to header.
        // 每4个字节表示一跳, 最开始都会有一跳; 最高位不是0就不是一跳
        // hop信息是保存在body里面的, 因为header好像是固定字节的, 不可能把所有hop都放进去.
        hops := 0
        for {
            if hops >= s.ttl {
                m.Free() // ErrTooManyHops
                continue outer
            if len(m.Body) < 4 {
                m.Free() // ErrGarbled
                continue outer
            m.Header = append(m.Header, m.Body[:4]...)
            m.Body = m.Body[4:]
            // Check for high order bit set (0x80000000, big endian)
            if m.Header[len(m.Header)-4]&0x80 != 0 {

        entry := recvQEntry{m: m, p: p}
        select {
        case s.recvQ <- entry: //收到放到recvQ
        case <-p.closeQ:
            // Either the pipe or the socket has closed (which
            // closes the pipe.)  In either case, we have no
            // way to return a response, so we have to abandon.
            break outer
    go p.close()


用户调用Recv, core会调用到这里

func (c *context) RecvMsg() (*protocol.Message, error) {
    s := c.s

    if c.closed {
        return nil, protocol.ErrClosed
    //在这个recv没有结束之前, 不能再次recv; 就是说recv路径下不能有并发
    if c.recvWait {
        return nil, protocol.ErrProtoState
    c.recvWait = true

    cq := c.closeQ
    wq := nilQ
    expireTime := c.recvExpire

    if expireTime > 0 {
        wq = time.After(expireTime)

    var err error
    var m *protocol.Message
    var p *pipe

    select {
    case entry := <-s.recvQ: //从recvQ里面取一个. 这个recvQ是unbuffered的. 所有连接的receiver routine都会往这里写. 但读就只有用户态API调用下来, 而且整个都是unbuffered.
        m, p = entry.m, entry.p
    case <-wq:
        err = protocol.ErrRecvTimeout
    case <-cq:
        err = protocol.ErrClosed


    if m != nil {
        c.backtrace = append([]byte{}, m.Header...) //这次的header保存在context的backtrace里, 注意backtrace只有一个msg的header
        m.Header = nil
        c.recvPipe = p //保存从哪个pipe来的msg
    c.recvWait = false
    return m, err


用户调用send, 核心层会调用到这里 rep服务器的逻辑是, 必须先recv, 再send, 这两者必须成对出现. 而且中间不能有其他的recv或send.

func (c *context) SendMsg(m *protocol.Message) error {
    r := c.s

    if r.closed || c.closed {
        return protocol.ErrClosed
    if c.backtrace == nil { //没有recv过, 状态错误
        return protocol.ErrProtoState
    p := c.recvPipe //发送来的通道
    c.recvPipe = nil

    bestEffort := c.bestEffort
    timeQ := nilQ
    if bestEffort {
        timeQ = closedQ
    } else if c.sendExpire > 0 {
        timeQ = time.After(c.sendExpire)

    m.Header = c.backtrace //回复给client的header就是client当时发过来的, 一模一样.
    c.backtrace = nil
    cq := c.closeQ

    select { //这个是经典的select结构:带timeout, 带close的选择器
    case <-cq:
        m.Header = nil
        return protocol.ErrClosed
    case <-p.closeQ:
        // Pipe closed, so no way to get it to the recipient.
        // Just discard the message.
        return nil
    case <-timeQ: //这里有个bug: 在best effort模式下, timeQ是已经关闭的Q, 根据select语义, 假如sendQ也能写, select会随机选一个case执行; 那么m可能根本就没有被尝试发送到sendQ中, 因为timeQ先执行了.
        if bestEffort {
            // No way to report to caller, so just discard
            // the message.
            return nil
        m.Header = nil
        return protocol.ErrSendTimeout

    case p.sendQ <- m: //"发送"到收报文的pipe的sendQ中
        return nil


从用户侧看来, 使用rep很简单:

sock, err = rep.NewSocket() //新建一个rep socket实例
err = sock.Listen(url) //接受连接. 核心层有个goroutine会循环等待新连接. 每个成功建立的连接都会调用protocol的AddPipe()动作, 后者会起后台的sender和receiver
msg, err = sock.Recv() //用户发起一次recv, 会从socket.recvQ中接收一个msg, 这样"众多"的连接的receiver routine的写recvQ的动作才能往下走. 这个recvQ是阻塞的.

err = sock.Send([]byte(d)) //因为recv记录了来的路径到上下文, send的reply会根据上下文沿路返回到client
  • 所有连接背后的receiver收包后, 都会往s.recvQ中写一个entry(也就是msg), 这个recvQ是unbuffered.即所有写都会阻塞, 同时只有一个能写; 在用户没有调用最顶层的recv时, 全部连接的收包都不能继续.
  • 当用户调用了顶层recv处理了一个req后, 下一个req的msg会被送入s.recvQ
  • receiver收包后, 会把msg和代表连接信息的pipe一起, 发给s.recvQ
  • 用户recv并进行了业务逻辑的处理后, 调用send, 把相应msg沿路返回发送回client.
  • recv和send时严格的lock step模式. 即一个context同时只能处理一个请求; 我认为如果业务逻辑复杂,
    • 要么调用顶层APIOpenContext()创建并使用多context来并发处理 -- 可行.
    • 要么就用当前context, 但用go的方式处理业务逻辑? -- 不行, 因为recv和send之间用context来传递上下文, 比如recv后, 用c.backtrace保存req的header; send的时候又要用这个header. 如果产生并发, c.backtrace会被后续的新的recv覆盖.
  • rep支持多跳(hops), hops信息被保存在msg.Body里面; 在receiver里面, hops信息被搬到msg.Header里
  • 在socket级别只有一个unbuffered的recvQ, 没有sendQ; sendQ是代表连接的pipe的属性. 在发送的时候, rep msg会被先放到对应连接的sendQ里, 在sender routine里, 调用protocol pipe来真正发送.
    • 不要被protocol pipe的名字迷惑, 它实际上是核心层core对transport的pipe的包装.
  • 不要使用bestEffort选项, rep会随机"不发"响应.
  • 发送 reply失败没有重传, 超时了会返回protocol.ErrSendTimeout

2.4.3. req rep疑问

  • 为什么req的设计思路是sync.cond + softirq式的延迟执行, 而rep的设计思路是简单明了的channel?
  • 在req和rep的receiver实现中, 都有下面的操作: 把body移动4个字节给header, 如果说body的前四个字节有特殊意义, 但为什么没有找到对应的发送时候填入的这四个字节? 他们是在哪里填入的?
    m.Header = append(m.Header, m.Body[:4]...)
    m.Body = m.Body[4:]
    答: 他们是在transport层填入的. 在transport层看来, header和body是一体的, transport先计算总的size(int64), 然后把(size, header, body)写入通道; 而接收的时候, 先用一次系统调用得出size, 再把剩下的内容全部放到body中. 这就解释了为什么上面的protocol层的代码中, 要从body中还原header了...

2.4.4. xreq和xrep

xreq和xrep是简化版的req和rep, 他们都是同一个协议族.

  • 他们都没有context的概念
  • 实例代码在examples/raw


xreq似乎改用了channel, 更简单, 功能似乎也删减了...

  • xreq的socket有recvQ和sendQ的channel, 里面是msg, 默认都是128个长度
  • 在AddPipe()阶段改成了和上面rep一样的每个连接都有后台的sender和receiver
  • 在receiver中, 还是会把对端发来的body的头四个字节当作header, 但这次是直接当header, 而不是append
    m.Header = m.Body[:4]
    m.Body = m.Body[4:]
  • 竟然还是有timeQ的bug????
  • xreq没有失败自动重传


  • 默认的recvQ有128的长度, 而rep是unbuffered
  • AddPipe()依然有receiver和sender后台routine
  • 取消了context, 在接收msg的时候, 把pipe信息直接加到msg header中.
  • 发送msg的时候, 看header就知道pipe ID, 就能原路返回
  • 这样搞就必须要求用户直接使用RecvMsg和SendMsg

2.4.5. 再看核心层的核心价值

  • 提供了socket对象的实现, 这个对象被protocol层传递给用户, 它就是用户看到的socket.
    • 这个socket对象持有的数据都是私有的, 对外只提供接口
    • 这个socket是client和server的结合体, 既有listener列表, 又有dialer列表
    • 持有代表连接的核心对象pipes, 被组织成按ID(unit32)查询的map
    • 有一把全局socket锁
    • 有其他的属性和标记, 比如是否异步dial, 最大接收size等.
  • protocol层会调用core的MakeSocket()来创建socket, 核心层只是新建了一个socket结构体返回, 没有任何其他的routine的创建.
  • 核心动作Dial和DialOptions最终由用户调用. 注意, 此时socket就已经知道transport的具体类型了. 实际动作包括两步:
    • 先调用和transport约定好的的NewDialer()接口td, err := t.NewDialer(addr, s), 并包装这个td, 构成核心层的dialer结构体. 最后把这个结构体放到s.dialers中.
    • 调用同是核心层的dialer.go中的Dial
      • 检查状态, 调用transport层的Dial方法; 连接成功会调用核心层的addPipe()方法, 后面会讲.
      • redial模式下会后台dial, 这里提前返回nil; 后台redial有重试的避让策略, 避免短时间大量不断重试
      • 非redial模式下, dial不成功马上返回err
  • 核心动作Listen是server端的用户动作
    • 第一步也是处理完option后, 包装transport层的tl, err := t.NewListener(addr, s)对象tl, 做为核心层的listener实例.
    • 第二步是调用transport的listen, 这个listen实际上是bind+listen的原始socket的动作
    • 第三步是起个后台routine来做循环l.l.Accept(), 并把建立好的pipe加到socket: l.s.addPipe(tp, nil, l)
  • 核心动作在Dial有重试, Listen有后台routine做循环accept, 这些"附加"的功能是核心层提供的.
  • 核心层的Send/SendMsg, Recv/RecvMsg都是用户调用触发的, 都是直接调用protocol层的SendMsg/RecvMsg
  • 核心层的核心是pipe, 每个连接都会addPipe(); 核心层的pipe是个混合体, 有dialer和listener, 但一般场景下, 不是同时生效.
    • 每个连接, 不管是client dial的来的, 还是server listen得来的, 都对应一个核心层的pipe; 虽然实现在核心层, 但对外是以protocol.Pipe示人的, 即核心层的pipe实现了protocol层(更确切的说法是全局层, 对外层)Pipe规定的方法.
    • addPipe()会新生成一个pipe实例, 并分配唯一的ID(unit32); 这个pipe实例被socket保存在map表里, 方便后面根据ID查询
    • addPipe()会调用与protocol层约定好的AddPipe()方法s.proto.AddPipe(p); 后者会保存p以便发送, 接收
  • 核心层的pipe的Send和Recv以及Close, 提供失败重连的功能.

    • 因为在addPipe阶段, 会把核心层的pipe实例以protocol.Pipe接口的形式传递给protocol, protocol想真正发送 接收msg的时候, 会调用到核心层pipe提供的SendMsg()和RecvMsg()方法, 这两个方法都是调用transport层的发送接收方法.
    • 特别的, 从核心层收到的msg, 都会记录pipe信息到msg.Pipe域.
    • 任何transport层的send recv失败发生时, 都会调用p.Close(); 这个close的动作会触发重建连接(redial)动作, 说明系统任务这个transport通道已然不行了, 要重建. 同时, 也会调用protocol层的RemovePipe()接口, 来让protocol层知道这个pipe已经失效. 这是个很好的策略, 即发送失败不要简单重试, 而是重新建链.
  • 核心层的Send()实现是拷贝式send, 即用户提供的buffer会被拷贝到新buffer后再send; Recv()也是拷贝式的,即接收的msg.Body会被拷贝到新buffer后返回新buffer; 题外: 作者特别喜欢用append来拷贝buffer msg.Body = append(msg.Body, b...)

    • 但对应的SendMsg()和RecvMsg()就都不会有新buffer产生.


核心层对上直接承接了用户api的接口, 它既规定了protocol要实现的接口: AddPipe() SendMsg() RecvMsg(), 又规定了transport必须实现的接口: NewListener(), NewDialer(), Dial(), Listen(), Accept(). 通过这些规定的接口, 核心层把protocol层和transport层解耦了.
核心层对连接的抽象是combine的, 即把client和server的dial和listen过程独立抽象, 但他们的结果都是新建一个pipe, 而这个pipe就承载了后面的发送, 接收功能. 核心层在建立连接后, 会把自己对protocol的承诺(也就是protocol.pipe)的实例, 传递addPipe(p)给protocol层, 这个p就代表了transport的抽象. 同时, 核心层还提供如下功能:

  • 核心层会在redial模式下重试dial
  • 核心层会启动后台routine帮助server来accept连接
  • 核心层在调用transport层的发送接收api失败时, 会断开当前连接, 自动重建新连接.


  • 队列
  • 反压
  • 统计
  • 调度

即核心层负责抽象和解耦, 只提供最基本的功能.

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