1. 类型的属性
参考: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Type_parameter_declarations
1.1. 底层类型 Underlying types
Each type T has an underlying type: If T is one of the predeclared boolean, numeric, or string types, or a type literal, the corresponding underlying type is T itself. Otherwise, T's underlying type is the underlying type of the type to which T refers in its declaration. For a type parameter that is the underlying type of its type constraint, which is always an interface.
type (
A1 = string //底层类型是string
A2 = A1 //底层类型是string
type (
B1 string //底层类型是string
B2 B1 //底层类型是string
B3 []B1 //底层类型是[]B1
B4 B3 //底层类型是[]B1
func f[P any](x P) { … } //P的底层类型是interface{}
1.2. 核心类型 core type
- 每个非interface类型T都有个
, 就是T的底层类型
- 不是所有的interface T都有
, 有核心类型的T要满足下面任意一项:- 如果T的type set只有一个底层类型U, 那么T有核心类型为U
- 如果T的type set只有相同方向的channel类型, channel的元素是E, 那么T的核心类型是
chan E
, 或者带方向的chan<- E
or<-chan E
- 其他的interface都没有核心类型
根据以上规则, interface的核心类型不可能是自定义类型, 或者其他的interface类型.
1.2.1. 有core type的interface举例
type Celsius float32
type Kelvin float32
interface{ int } // int
interface{ Celsius|Kelvin } // float32
interface{ ~chan int } // chan int
interface{ ~chan int|~chan<- int } // chan<- int
interface{ ~[]*data; String() string } // []*data
1.2.2. 没有core type的interface举例
interface{} // no single underlying type
interface{ Celsius|float64 } // no single underlying type
interface{ chan int | chan<- string } // channels have different element types
interface{ <-chan int | chan<- int } // directional channels have different directions
1.2.3. bytestring特殊core type
if there are exactly two types, []byte and string, which are the underlying types of all types in the type set of interface T, the core type of T is called bytestring.
interface{ int } // int (same as ordinary core type)
interface{ []byte | string } // bytestring
interface{ ~[]byte | myString } // bytestring
2. interface类型
An interface type defines a type set. A variable of interface type can store a value of any type that is in the type set of the interface. Such a type is said to implement the interface. The value of an uninitialized variable of interface type is nil.
就是说一个interface类型实际上表示了一个类型的集合. 一个interface变量就是这个集合中的一个类型的实例. 这个集合中所有的类型都实现了这个interface的要求.
InterfaceType = "interface" "{" { InterfaceElem ";" } "}" .
InterfaceElem = MethodElem | TypeElem .
MethodElem = MethodName Signature .
MethodName = identifier .
TypeElem = TypeTerm { "|" TypeTerm } .
TypeTerm = Type | UnderlyingType .
UnderlyingType = "~" Type .
- interface不仅可以包含常见的的方法(MethodElem), 还可以包括类型(TypeElem)
- 类型可以用
表示或 ~
An interface type is specified by a list of interface elements. An interface element is either a method or a type element, where a type element is a union of one or more type terms. A type term is either a single type or a single underlying type.
2.1. 带方法的interface
最常见的interface是带方法约束的(可以为空), 比如:
// A simple File interface.
interface {
Read([]byte) (int, error)
Write([]byte) (int, error)
Close() error
2.2. interface可以被嵌入其他interface
type Reader interface {
Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Close() error
type Writer interface {
Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
Close() error
// ReadWriter's methods are Read, Write, and Close.
type ReadWriter interface {
Reader // includes methods of Reader in ReadWriter's method set
Writer // includes methods of Writer in ReadWriter's method set
2.3. 泛型interface
1.18引入了泛型的概念, 使得interface的概念从方法的约束扩展到了类型的约束, 从而interface可以表达一个类型的集合
比如interface {int}
再比如interface {~int}
就表示底层类型是int的集合, 这个集合就比上面的大.
现在interface可以包括方法, 或类型, 甚至方法和类型的混合, 比如下面的例子表示一个实现了String()方法的底层类型是int的类型
// An interface representing all types with underlying type int that implement the String method.
interface {
String() string
interface体里的约束是与的关系, 所以下面的例子表示一个空的集合, 因为没有一个类型既是int, 又是string
// An interface representing an empty type set: there is no type that is both an int and a string.
interface {
// An interface representing only the type int.
interface {
// An interface representing all types with underlying type int.
interface {
// An interface representing all types with underlying type int that implement the String method.
interface {
String() string
// An interface representing an empty type set: there is no type that is both an int and a string.
interface {
表示或, 比如下面的例子表示所有底层类型是float32或float64的类型:
// The Float interface represents all floating-point types
// (including any named types whose underlying types are
// either float32 or float64).
type Float interface {
~float32 | ~float64
3. 泛型
func min[T ~int|~float64](x, y T) T {
if x < y {
return x
return y
函数名后面的方括号里面是类型参数type parameter. 比如下面的都是类型参数:
[P any]
[S interface{ ~[]byte|string }]
[S ~[]E, E any]
[P Constraint[int]]
[_ any]
, interface{ ~[]byte|string }
, 其中interface
有时候可以省略, 比如:
[T []P] // = [T interface{[]P}]
[T ~int] // = [T interface{~int}]
[T int|string] // = [T interface{int|string}]
type Constraint ~int // illegal: ~int is not inside a type parameter list
3.1. 类型约束 type constraint
type Number interface {
int64 | float64
3.2. 实例化
泛型的函数在使用的时候必须实例化, 比如下面的f := min
就不合法, 因为min此时min并不知道入参类型, 无法实例化.
func min[T ~int|~float64](x, y T) T { … }
f := min // illegal: min must be instantiated with type arguments when used without being called
minInt := min[int] // minInt has type func(x, y int) int
a := minInt(2, 3) // a has value 2 of type int
b := min[float64](2.0, 3) // b has value 2.0 of type float64
c := min(b, -1) // c has value -1.0 of type float64
再比如下面的泛型函数非常典型, 对slice S中的每个元素做apply操作.
func apply[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f(E) E) S { … }
f0 := apply[] // illegal: type argument list cannot be empty
f1 := apply[[]int] // type argument for S explicitly provided, type argument for E inferred
f2 := apply[[]string, string] // both type arguments explicitly provided
var bytes []byte
r := apply(bytes, func(byte) byte { … }) // both type arguments inferred from the function arguments
4. 泛型举例
4.1. 使用泛型前
// SumInts adds together the values of m.
func SumInts(m map[string]int64) int64 {
var s int64
for _, v := range m {
s += v
return s
// SumFloats adds together the values of m.
func SumFloats(m map[string]float64) float64 {
var s float64
for _, v := range m {
s += v
return s
4.2. 使用泛型后
// SumIntsOrFloats sums the values of map m. It supports both int64 and float64
// as types for map values.
func SumIntsOrFloats[K comparable, V int64 | float64](m map[K]V) V {
var s V
for _, v := range m {
s += v
return s
的时候, 必须让编译器知道如何实例化.
- 可以显式的指定入参类型: 比如
SumIntsOrFloats[string, int64](ints)
, 或者SumIntsOrFloats[string, float64](floats))
- 也可以让编译器推断:
, 或者SumIntsOrFloats(floats)
4.3. 使用类型约束让代码更可读
type Number interface {
int64 | float64
// SumNumbers sums the values of map m. It supports both integers
// and floats as map values.
func SumNumbers[K comparable, V Number](m map[K]V) V {
var s V
for _, v := range m {
s += v
return s